When you're new to using Young Living essential oils, start slow because these oils are far more potent and powerful than any other oils on the market!
We often think that more is better, but in this case, less is more.
Act like you have bottles of liquid gold and put away that heavy hand.
For example, if you read a diffuser recipe that calls for six drops of Peppermint oil, start with three until you know how oils work with your unique body.
In order to experience the mind expanding benefits of a essential oils, be sure to use them consistently. Come up with daily routines (yes, every single day!) for using your oils, and soon you'll see how much they support you. Trust us, you can't make up the results you will see, and consistency is key.
Let’s talk some terminology…
Remember, like all things new, there's a learning curve here. So be kind to your brain as it absorbs this new info. It's very much like learning a new language!
This means when you put the oil on your skin, it feels like it's hot and may give a burning or tingling sensation. These oils are not literally “hot” but their reaction feels hot. So how do you use hot oils? You dilute them!
Examples of hot oils: cinnamon bark, clove, thyme, peppermint, oregano, lemongrass, and thieves.
Keep out of the sun for 8 to 10 hours when using photosensitive oils on your sun-exposed skin, so you don't burn. OR, as we say it, put the oils where the sun doesn't shine if you want to use them during the day.
Think of these essential oils like vampires, ideally kept in the shade and best used on your skin at night. Apply them before bedtime and tomorrow you'll wake up refreshed and beautifully bright looking.
Examples of photosensitive oils: lemon, lime, grapefruit, orange, bergamot, tangerine, citrus fresh, stress away, peace and calming.
Here’s a way to remember this one: carrier oils will CARRY the essential oil in it, like a vehicle taking the celebrity for a ride. Carrier oils are typically found in your kitchen, and Young Living makes their own, too, called V-6. It is a wonderful blend of these carrier oils: fractionated coconut oil, sesame seed oil, grapeseed oil, sweet almond oil, wheat germ oil, sunflower oil, and olive oil.
When we make ointments and creams, we typically use hard cold press coconut oil, shea butter, or coconut butter to carry the essential oils.
Examples of carrier oils: olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, grapeseed oil, jojoba oil.
Because essential oils are highly concentrated, blending them with a carrier oil helps to both dilute the essential oil and disperse it onto and into the skin. This is super important for use with babies and little ones!
Newborn – 6 months: 1 drop essential oil to 1 Tbs carrier oil
6 months – 2 years: Dilute 1:4
2 years – 6 years: Dilute 1:3
6 years – 12 years: Dilute 1:2
Young Living has a full line of ‘pre-diluted’ oils made for children. They are in the KIDSCENTS line.
You will soon discover making rollerballs of your favorite combinations make them portable and ready whether you have a bug bite, head tension, tummy aches, stress, etc.
This is a new way of life, and you will soon wonder how you ever did life without these oils.
That is exactly how we feel.
What if there was a easy button to start simplifying your life?

Young Living has this incredible quality commitment called seed to seal.
It's not a slogan it's a calling.
Seed where?
To whom?
Sealing what now?
What does this all mean?
Seed to seal means that from the time the certified non-GMO seeds are chosen an hand-selected, to the time each essential oil bottle is sealed, every step of the process is painstakingly controlled 100% by Young Living.
Every. Single. Step.
The three pillars of Seed to Seal—Sourcing, Science, and Standards— ensure that the farming, harvesting, distillation, legal compliance, and quality testing of the essential oils produced by Young Living are all done without compromise.
It also ensures that we care deeply for the earth, our farms, our plants, and the employees in communities that surround them.
Young Living has been bringing pure oils “from the soil to the oil” since 1993, a process that takes years to begin, and far more to perfect.
So why settle for anything less?
See for yourself...
Young Living is the only essential oil company in the world that is not a broker.
Young Living is the only essential oil company in the world that owns or partners with each farm AND distills all oils on-site.
This company has nothing to hide, truly zip.
They are so open and transparent that their farms and distilleries around the world are open to the public where you, too, can see their commitment to qualify and sustainability with your very own eyes.
Get to a farm. Stick your hands in the dirt. It will change you forever.
I sure did me. Every single time I open a bottle of Juniper, it take me right back to that first step on to the farm. I touched, I smelled, I tasted, I felt, I laughed, I wiped tears. It is hard to put into words, and it all comes back with one inhalation.
You know how when you go to a healthy, open-kitchen restaurant and feel reassured as you watch your food getting prepared with the freshest ingredients?
This is the same open-- door philosophy at Young Living.
We encourage you to visit the farms, tour our distilleries, participate in a harvest, meet the people, feel the true passion for the purity and purpose.
It is who we are.
Ready for more?
We start with what we call an ‘oil map’.
It helps you see the benefits available for you right where you are.

Not get to get too sciency, but this is an important topic to understand. It's all good and fun to hear 1000 times that “essential oils work,” but we get it, you wanna know how and why.
So, grab your nerdy glasses and get ready for a mini lesson on essential oils, why they're so incredible, why you probably know a few crazy oil-obsessed people, but might not fully understand their passion – yet. Don't worry, stick around us and you'll be one soon enough. Here’s why.
They work
Oils work when they enter the body by inhalation (smell ‘em) absorption (apply ‘em) or ingestion (eat ‘em) Because the body recognizes oils as nutrients, they work synergistically to help support our natural healing response. In contrast, synthetic chemicals are recognized as foreign substances and often contain dangerous ingredients to mimic the properties that nature as built into botanicals.
Essential oils are composed of very, very, tiny molecules making them extremely concentrated. One drop of essential oil contains approximately 40 million - trillion molecules. Numerically, that is a 4 with 19 zeros after it. WOW!
How fast do essential oils work?
22 seconds
The molecules reach your brain in 22 seconds
2 minutes
They can be found in your bloodstream in two minutes.
20 minutes
They can affect every cell in your body in 20 minutes.
Because essential oil molecules are so small, they can penetrate our skin, enter our bloodstream, and support the internal organs of our body. Since we have 100 trillion cells in our bodies, one drop of essential oil contains enough molecules to cover every cell in our bodies with 40,000 molecules!
When inhaling an essential oil, it travels through our nasal passage to a receptor neuron that transmits it up to our limbic brain - our mind’s control center for emotions, mood, and memory.
That’s right!
By smelling an oil the molecules go up inside your brain. And, because the molecules are so small, essential oils can penetrate the blood - brain barrier, which is part of why they are so effective for therapeutic use. Within 20 minutes of being placed anywhere on our skin, essential oils can penetrate and effect every cell within our bodies.
This is why using the highest quality oil possible is absolutely essential.
Ready for more? We start with what we call an ‘oil map’. It helps you see the benefits available for you right where you are. Click here to try it out!

Have you ever peeled an orange and smelled that beautiful mist in the air?
Have you ever felt rejuvenated by the scent of pine trees while on a walk in the woods?
Have you ever felt happy after breathing in the aroma of a fresh bouquet of wildflowers?
Have you ever tasted that minty fruit fresh flavor of peppermint in a smoothie and felt refreshed?
If you have, then you've experienced essential oils.
Essential oils are much more than beautifully scented plant juice! These oils are called essential because plants need them to live. We think they’re essential to have in your home too.
Essential oils are the aromatic liquid within the leaves, petals, roots, grasses, bark, seeds, and stems of plants. They can be extracted using steam distillation, resin tapping, or cold pressing.
Lemon rinds, rose petals, eucalyptus leaves, and frankincense resin are all examples of beautiful parts of our world that can produce essential oils. Oils are created by God, placed in nature for purposes from helping the plant survive and thrive to improving your wellness.
Oils are often referred to as the lifeblood of the plant, since they protect the plant from environmental elements like weather, insects, fungus, and disease. The way oils protect plants in the same way they can protect you too.
For thousands of years people in many cultures have relied on essential oils and have used them in a multitude of ways for countless ailments and issues. As more and more health practitioners, doctors, scientists, and users like us venture into this world of ancient knowledge, essential oils are no longer the missing link in modern medicine.
Integrating oils into your life allows you to make your emotional, physical, and mental health a priority in the most natural way and it doesn't have to be overwhelming.
Each plant in nature is linked to specific health benefits. It takes a lot of plant material to yield a tiny amount of oil-- a whole lot! It takes up 1 pound of peppermint to make a 15 ml bottle of Peppermint oil, or 50 rose flowers to make just one drop of Rose oil! This is why essential oils are so highly concentrated and potent-- up to 70 times more powerful than the original plant for dried herbs. This is also why you only need to use a small amount; just one drop is often enough.
Ready for more? We start with what we call an ‘oil map’. It helps you see the benefits available for you right where you are. Click here to try it out!

Hello 2021! We are so glad that you are here!
Here are 8 ideas for your Wellness Box this month! Pick one box you absolutely love or you can mix and match and items from these suggested boxes! One of the things we love most about Young Living is that you can always completely customize your Essential Rewards wellness box order.
And don’t forget, every order of 100 PV+ will earn FREE shipping! Also, if you order a purchase of 50 PV+ through Essential Rewards, you'll earn an additional 10%-25% back in YL store credit, giving you even better pricing on your wellness, home and body care needs!

Respiratory Box
Going into 2021 we all have breathing... aka. respiratory support on our minds! Thieves Cough Drops are over-the-counter medicinal quality & are so effective. Breathe Again roll-on and Lemon Vitality are GREAT oils for assisting your body with easy breathing!
Thieves Cough Drops | item #5760 | $21.25
Breathe Again Roll-On | item #3528 | $27.50
Lemon Vitality Essential Oil | item #5625 | $6.50

Seasonal Staples Box
Thieves Hand Sanitizer and Thieves Roll-On are must haves this time of year and perfect to keep in your bag for on the go use! Longevity is a blend of Thyme, Orange, Clove and Frankincense oils. It is a robust blend of immune-supporting oils and promotes healthy skin during the winter months!
Thieves Roll-On | item #24364 | $31.00
Longevity Essential Oil | item #3388 | $38.25
Thieves Hand Sanitizer | item #3621 | $5.25

Core Defense Box
Inner Defense is a great supplement for supporting your immune and respiratory systems. OmegaGize is a core YL supplement for supporting brain health with added CoQ10. CoQ10 is a coenzyme that helps generate energy in our cells. As we age, CoQ10 levels begin to decline, making it necessary to supplement.
Inner Defense | item #3295 | $28.50
OmegaGize | item #3097 | $63.00

Relief Box
The Winter season can be hard on our joints and muscles. If your body is needing some TLC, consider this Relief Box to meet your needs. Deep Relief and Cool Azul Pain Cream are both fantastic for headaches, inflammation, and pain.
Deep Relief Roll-On | item #3534 | $28.50
Cool Azul Pain Cream | item #5759 | $45.75

Clean Beauty Box
The ART Skin Care System is the one stop shop for glowing skin! This set comes with a cleanser, toner and moisturizer that works great for all skin types.
The ART Cleanser is gentle on sensitive skin but still effective at removing toxins, makeup, perspiration and dead skin from our pores. The ART Toner helps balance the pH of the skin. And the ART Light Moisturizer is perfect for morning or evening use.
ART Skin Care System | item #5363 | $117.50
*can be purchased individually

Ditch & Switch Box
Young Living’s Slique has the perfect Ditch & Switch items for the New Year. Slique CitraSlim includes a proprietary citrus extract blend, which some studies suggest may help support the body in burning excess fat when used in conjunction with a healthy weight-management plan. This blend may also support the release of free fatty acids, which help break down fat.
Slique CitraSlim | item #3056 | $48.00

Citrus Fresh, Geranium, and Frankincense are staples for those who love diffusing & creating ahhhhh! When you grab these 3 oils in your monthly wellness box, give this diffuser recipe a try: 4 drops Citrus Fresh, 1 drop Geranium, 1 drop Frankincense.
Citrus Fresh Essential Oil| item #3318 | $16.50
Geranium Essential Oil | item #3554 | $44.25
Frankincense Essential Oil | item #3548 | $78.50

Self Care Box
Aromatherapy IS self care! Joy & Hope are two oils that resonate with many of us during this season and are so comforting, uplifting, and grounding.
Hope Essential Oil | item #3357 | $61.00
Joy Essential Oil | item #3372 | $44.75
Like this info? You'll LOVE my guide "five ways to retrieve your peace" check it out right here.

Are you carrying stress walking through, a pandemic, adjusting to working from home, caring for an elderly parent, a special needs child, a consuming job, difficult relationship you are navigating?
It seems like we are always grasping for something to stay afloat….
In the meantime, we fall through; exhausted with one nostril above the waves.
(I have listened to the song ‘Oceans’ by Hillsong literally thousands of times). click to listen
Our own health suffers, our view is foggy, relationships suffer, marriage is strained as we juggle and cope.
We feel like we have been run over by a semi-truck a few times…
And we live life with an empty cup, trying to eek one more drop out of the cup.
Our friendships, relationships, conversations, are mostly centered around the weight of the latest storm we are in.
The situations on the front burner are sizzling.
We view everything through stress filled glasses.
Always reaching and grasping.
All the while our own knees are wobbling, and we are trying to support without ever feeling like “we’ve got this”
This IS our story. Is it yours?
Maybe this is how you feel... watch this
How long can you keep hanging on?
We are offering to come along side you, and walk with you in this journey, and help you to “remember to put your glass down.”
Like this info? You'll LOVE my guide "five ways to retrieve your peace" check it out right here.
Is worry a default setting for you?
Are you a visual person? We have a free community of tools for you.
Click here to get in #adjustedview #unworried #thankful

I read a story about a lighthouse keeper who worked on a rocky stretch of coastline.
Once a month he would receive a new supply of oil to keep the light burning so ships could safely sail near the rocky coast.
Once a month he would receive a new supply of oil to keep the light burning so ships could safely sail near the rocky coast.
One night, though, a woman from a nearby village begged him for oil to keep her family warm.
Another time, a man asked for some oil to use for his lamp.
Another came and asked for oil to lubricate his wheels.
Since all the requests were legitimate, the light keeper tried to please everyone and grant the requests of all of them.
Towards the end of the month, the man noticed his supply of oil was getting very low.
His light went out.
As a result, that night several ships were wrecked and many lives were lost.
When the authorities came to investigate, he shared with them about all the people he was trying to help. Their reply to his excuses was simple and to the point. "you were given oil for one purpose-- to keep that light burning!"
When was the last time you took a minute to think about why you do what you do?
What is it that guides your choices and makes the decision to carry out your actions each day?
Our world is roaring with needs and events and noise.
It's easy to get distracted by things shouting around us.
There are so many needs, we can lose sight of the purpose God has imprinted inside us.
Hit the pause button.
Who is your light shining for?
A lot of people you may never meet are depending on your light
Go out and shine.
If you're looking for ways to retrieve your peace, feel free to grab my guide
Is worry a default setting for you? Are you a visual person? We have a free community of tools for you.
Click here to get in #adjustedview #unworried #thankful

When you crack open a bottle of Young Living essential oils you will discover a lot of WOW.
One of the WOWs is the orifice reducer.
The what? Stay with me.
This is the silicone top that is there to help you adjust how much oil comes out of the bottle.
It is a big deal.
Young Living makes the best orifice reducers in the industry, hands down.
It's the little things that underline integrity over and over and over.
Silicone will not deteriorate and will not leach into your oils
This amazing little piece allows one drop to come out.
You see, Young Living uses orifice reducers that are unlike any you can find in the world.
The oil drips from the tiny hole to the SIDE of the main center hole.
The center hole let’s the air in.
The small holes are why you can control the drip from a Young Living bottle.
Other oil companies have the oil come out the center.
This makes it much harder to control how often the oil gets either stuck and you have to shake the bottle to get any out or the oil pours out too fast.
Shaking the bottle is easy to do partly due to habit and hurry.
It is a big deal with our oils because when we shake the bottle it forces oxygen molecules to mix with the oil. This shortens the shelf life.
So get in the habit of rolling the bottle between your hands, and turning the bottle so the little hole is down.
Don’t ‘help’ the oil come out.
Ready for a tip or two?
When you crack open your bottle, locate the tiny hole and draw a arrow or dot by it so that you can find it next time. This will help a ton when you are aiming for a capsule and want the oil to gather inside and not on your hands or the sides.
When you are using thick oils—such as Vetiver or Myrrh, remember to put the oil bottle in your pocket or bra for a few minutes to warm it up.
This might not be an issue in the summertime as much as it is in the winter, or if you live in a warm climate.
But, it Minnesota it is a big deal!
I have been known to wait over a minute waiting for one precious drop of Vetiver to come out.
I LOVE Vetiver in the diffuser at night.
Most nights I fall asleep on God while Dave is praying.
He says God doesn’t mind….
So, waiting for those drops might take minutes, but, patience is a virtue right?
We all need more of it.
And, yes, it is when you are waiting for the gold that happens with each drop.
And in the end, it is so worth it.
After all, we can't hurry gold.
That drop may make the difference between sleep and counting sheep.
It sure does for me.
So, I will wait and choose to aim better.
If you're looking for ways to retrieve your peace, feel free to grab my guide
Is worry a default setting for you? Are you a visual person? We have a free community of tools for you.
Click here to get in #adjustedview #unworried #thankful