The third and final way we use these little miracle bottles is by taking them internally.
Many oils are labeled safe for internal use, but just like not all plants can safely be to eat and not all essential oils can be used internally.
Internal use can be a heated topic, mostly because there is a wide range of oil quality available on the market, and many are rightly labeled “not for internal use”.
What people don't realize that they already consume essential oils when they eat many foods. For example, lots of bakeries use food--grade essential oils to punch up the flavor of baked goods.
Ever enjoy a lemon bar? You probably ate essential oils.
Our Ningxia Red is power packed with Orange, Lemon, Tangerine, and Yuzu essential oils.
Because essential oils are way more potent than the whole plant material, only a tiny amount is needed when taken internally to get the full flavor and/ or health benefits. When safety guidelines are followed, essential oils can be used internally for incredible benefits.
Only ingest Young Living essential oils purchased directly from the temperature- controlled warehouse at youngliving.com. Nobody can vouch for what's really in those bottles from Amazon, eBay, or anywhere else you picked them up.
There are two ways to ingest oils
The first method of internal use is through food and water. Remember to always use glass, stainless steel, or ceramic when adding oils to the drink of choice. Never use plastic or Styrofoam, since those can leech chemicals. These powerful drops are programmed made by God to purify... Put a citrus oil on a Styrofoam cup and watch them in action!
If you love to cook, you're gonna be excited at the fun recipes you can create! Experiment with adding oils to your smoothies, your fruit and veggie salads, your baked goods, your homemade salad dressings, and so much more! The essential oils have no shelf life, like your herbs, and the potency and taste will amaze you. Such a savings to your pantry!
The second method of internal use is by ingesting capsules. Yes, you read that right, you can make your own capsules, and it's not as daunting as it might sound! Using capsules allows you to not only bypass any unpleasant tastes, but it also enables the oils to reach that correct targeted area of the body before dissolving to allow for greater absorption.
We use these for slimming, seasonal challenges, bodily discomfort, boosting immunity, and more! If you would like to learn more about what we call ‘stomp on it,’ reach out to me for my text class walking you through it.
Here's how to make a capsule
Purchase the vegetable capsules from Young Living (or grab some at your local health food store), open one up and add your essential oils into the longer part, then fill the rest with some carrier oil to help it digest better in your tummy, Close it up until it ‘clicks’ and take it with a glass of water.
Easy, peasy!
When taking oils internally, have a small snack that is rich in healthy fats (nuts, avocados). This will help you avoid burping up the oils. This is especially important when taking Inner Defense or "hot" oils. Adding a carrier oil to the capsule, or putting the oil in the freezer will also make a difference! (watch out because your tummy will feel cold after swallowing them!)
Remember the center hole on the top of your bottle is NOT where the oil comes out. That is an patented airhole. The oil comes out the little hole on the side. So, watch your aim or lean the bottle on the top of the capsule. The more you do it, the easier it gets.
If you can eat a lemon...
There is nothing added to our oils! Smells exactly like cutting open an orange, or lemon, or... because that is what it is! The power of the nutrients in the rind.
In order to comply with FDA regulations in the US, Young Living has specifically labeled oils that can be ingested as dietary supplements as Vitality oils. These white label bottles contain the SAME OIL inside as their color counterpart labeled for aromatic and topical use.
What if there was a easy button to start simplifying your life?

“What's that beautiful smell?” is something you'll soon get used to hearing because anytime someone comes over and you have your diffuser going, they're bound to smell the beauty.
We all want our house to smell great, but what if on top of smelling great, we could feel great too?
It's time to say bye bye bye to those toxic candles, plug-ins, scented room sprays, and chemical-filled incense sticks, and instead diffuse essential oils.
Think of your diffuser as a wellness delivery system to dispute those tutti- frutti, lovey- dovey, happy scents into the air and throughout your home.
Aromatic use of essential oils is a simple, convenient, and powerful way to use oils anytime, anywhere.
You need not use a diffuser-- just open your bottle and inhale to enjoy and experience the benefits of essential oils immediately.
You can even wear your oils in diffuser jewelry, so you can be your own diffuser, or apply them to your hair.
Did you know that our sense of smell
is 10,000 times stronger than any of our other senses?
Other senses like touch and taste must travel through our body by neurons in our spinal cord before reaching the brain, but our olfactory response is immediate.
Basically, our noses go straight to our brains, which is why breathing in oils can be so effective, and is how these liquid plants can affect our emotions.
Have you ever gotten a flood of emotions when you walked by someone at Walmart who was wearing your grandma’s perfume? The memories of your grandma are hooked to that scent. Think back to your high school science class, and you'll remember that your limbic system controls your emotions, your mood, and your memory.
This is why if you're trying to impact anything related to the brain (memory, mood, focus, sleep, stress) you'll want to use your oils aromatically. We never underestimate the power of aromatic use of essential oils, since the oils we inhale can directly affect what our brain does to our entire body. And that, is why it's always a good idea to “diffuse the situation”
Just like oils, not all diffusers are created equal.
When selecting a diffuser, you'll want to select one with high quality, high-density grade of BPA free plastic. Otherwise, your oils can leach petrochemicals from your diffuser reservoir into the air, canceling out all the benefits of the perfectly created oils you're diffusing.
How crazy would that be?
Young Living diffusers are made of polypropylene, which is the same type of polymer used in medical devices, and they've been thoroughly tested in our labs to ensure that nothing breaks down when in contact with the essential oils.
Remember to only diffuse essential oils in a cold- air diffuser, since heating them can alter their chemistry and reduce the benefits.
We love Young Living diffusers not only because they're beautiful, but also because their runtimes and light settings can be customized, they function as humidifiers, and they come with an excellent warranty.
smelling not required
Because the chemical components of essential oils produce a direct response on the body, nature takes the wheel so that even people without a sense of smell can still enjoy all the benefits of essential oils!
Do you love candles? I did too...
Click here to find out why I ditched them and found a cheaper, more effective option!

Young Living's distillation is always a ONE time process; let me explain what that means with a basic analogy.
Imagine you go to a coffee shop and you're the first customer of the day. You order a cup of coffee, and you watch them make your first, fresh, one-time “distilled” coffee. (coffee isn't exactly actually distilled like essential oils, but bear with me for this example)
You take a sip, and it's so delicious, potent, and fragrant.
The second customer orders a coffee, and you watch the barista add more water to the machine and brew their coffee.
They got a “two-time distilled” coffee.
Customer #3 comes in, and also wants some coffee, so more water is added.
See where we're going with this?
You could argue that customer #3 got a cup of 100% pure coffee, Right?
It’s a similar idea with essential oils.
Sadly, most essential oils companies are selling second, third, fourth, and even fifth “distilled oils”.
This allows for cheap mass production. The the more you distill certain plants the sweeter they can smell.
Unfortunately, most companies place value on fragrance over benefit because they know customers will be attracted to the smell.
If an oil is improperly distilled,
you'll get little to no benefit at all.
Young Living only produces first-distillation oils that are distilled for a precise amount of time at low heat and low steam pressure to retain the therapeutic properties.
The oils only touch food grade, non-reactive stainless steel or glass during the distillation process, so there are never any plastics or other metals like aluminum that could leach into the oil.
Ready for a distillation example?
Blue Cypress is a beautiful tree with 280 known chemical constituents.
If you want the full therapeutic benefit of Blue Cypress Oil, it must have all 280 constituents present.
In order to achieve this, the tree must be grown and harvested correctly, and then must be distilled for exactly 24 hours at a very precise temperature
and pressure within the sap, the hardwood, and the bark altogether.
Otherwise, the oil will be clear and not the beaming blue color.
The reason it's distilled for 24 hours is that during the last 20 minutes of distillation, 18 of the vital active nutrients get released from the branches.
If Cypress is distilled for any other amount of time, its therapeutic properties will be missing from the oil.
Distill it for 20 hours, you only get 20 properties. Distill it for 26 hours, an you get NONE of these properties!
Get this: most Cypress oil on the market was distilled for just 3.5 hours.
If you are looking for results, it is a big deal.
The Young Living difference.
Ready for more?
We start with what we call an ‘oil map’.
It helps you see the benefits available for you right where you are.

Where convenience + savings brings a smile!
Here are 7 ideas for your Young Living Wellness Box this month! Each box is geared towards a certain theme - you can grab a box in its entirety, or mix and match! One of the things I love most about Young Living is that you can completely customize your Essential Rewards wellness box order - from the date it ships to what’s inside your box each month.
And don’t forget, if your order is 100 PV+ you will earn FREE shipping! Also, if you order a purchase of 50 PV+ through Essential Rewards, you'll earn an additional 10%-25% back in YL store credit, giving you even better pricing on your wellness, home and body care needs!

With the day of love fast approaching I thought I would share a box completely dedicated to hormone support! What better way to say I love you to your body than to make sure you are keeping those hormones balanced and in check. Dragon Time and Mister are two perfect blends for that!
Dragon Time Essential Oil| item #3327 | $52.25
Orange Essential Oil | item #3602 | $11.50

Sulfurzyme Capsules | item #3243 | $61.50
Sulfurzyme Powder | item #3241 | $49.25

Supporting your body with key nutrients has never been more important. I love that Young Living uses the cleanest form of vitamins and that they add essential oils to their supplements for better absorption into our cells! The Super C vitamin comes in a tablet or chewable form, and the Super Vitamin D is a dissolvable tablet for under your tongue.
Super C Tablets | item #3242 | $30.75
Super C Chewable Tablets | item #3240 | $34.00
Super Vitamin D Tablets | item #28972 | $31.00

KidPower Roll-On | item #33179 | $34.00
Ningxia Red Singles - 30ct | item #3525 | $90.50
I love that Young Living makes Ditching & Switching (ditching toxic and switching to cle
an) so easy! They are literally a one stop shop for anything you could possibly need for your home.

The Thieves Laundry detergent is super concentrated so a little goes a long way. You can use the purification oil to give a boost to your laundry soap or diffuse it in the kitchen to purify the air! And the Thieves Dish soap is a great kitchen swap for getting rid of the harsh chemicals, plus it can double as a stain remover!
Thieves Laundry Soap | item #5349 | $30.75
Thieves Dish Soap | item #5350 | $14.50
Purification Essential Oil | item #3389 | $16.50

For our candle swap box this month we are going to recreate the Anthropologie Volcano Candle using our beloved essential oils. All of these oils smell great by themselves but this specific blend combination is divine! The recipe calls for: 3 drops Orange, 3 drops Grapefruit, 2 drops Geranium, 2 drops Lime and
2 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce
Orange Essential Oil| item #3602 | $11.50
Grapefruit Essential Oil | item #3560 | $18.00
Geranium Essential Oil | item #3554 | $44.25
Lime Essential Oil | item #3074 | $13.00
Northern Lights Black Spruce Essential Oil | item #5313 | $25.50

And last, but certainly not least is a Love & Romance Box! These are 3 of the best oils for the bedroom. Sensation helps with getting in the mood. Cypress is known to increase blood flow. And Black Pepper is perfect for bringing in the heat, if you know what I mean!
Sensation Essential Oil | item #3420 | $35.50
Cypress Essential Oil | item #3530 | $20.50
Black Pepper Essential Oil | item #3611 | $20.00
Like this info? You'll LOVE my guide "five ways to retrieve your peace" check it out right here.

Hello 2021! We are so glad that you are here!
Here are 8 ideas for your Wellness Box this month! Pick one box you absolutely love or you can mix and match and items from these suggested boxes! One of the things we love most about Young Living is that you can always completely customize your Essential Rewards wellness box order.
And don’t forget, every order of 100 PV+ will earn FREE shipping! Also, if you order a purchase of 50 PV+ through Essential Rewards, you'll earn an additional 10%-25% back in YL store credit, giving you even better pricing on your wellness, home and body care needs!

Respiratory Box
Going into 2021 we all have breathing... aka. respiratory support on our minds! Thieves Cough Drops are over-the-counter medicinal quality & are so effective. Breathe Again roll-on and Lemon Vitality are GREAT oils for assisting your body with easy breathing!
Thieves Cough Drops | item #5760 | $21.25
Breathe Again Roll-On | item #3528 | $27.50
Lemon Vitality Essential Oil | item #5625 | $6.50

Seasonal Staples Box
Thieves Hand Sanitizer and Thieves Roll-On are must haves this time of year and perfect to keep in your bag for on the go use! Longevity is a blend of Thyme, Orange, Clove and Frankincense oils. It is a robust blend of immune-supporting oils and promotes healthy skin during the winter months!
Thieves Roll-On | item #24364 | $31.00
Longevity Essential Oil | item #3388 | $38.25
Thieves Hand Sanitizer | item #3621 | $5.25

Core Defense Box
Inner Defense is a great supplement for supporting your immune and respiratory systems. OmegaGize is a core YL supplement for supporting brain health with added CoQ10. CoQ10 is a coenzyme that helps generate energy in our cells. As we age, CoQ10 levels begin to decline, making it necessary to supplement.
Inner Defense | item #3295 | $28.50
OmegaGize | item #3097 | $63.00

Relief Box
The Winter season can be hard on our joints and muscles. If your body is needing some TLC, consider this Relief Box to meet your needs. Deep Relief and Cool Azul Pain Cream are both fantastic for headaches, inflammation, and pain.
Deep Relief Roll-On | item #3534 | $28.50
Cool Azul Pain Cream | item #5759 | $45.75

Clean Beauty Box
The ART Skin Care System is the one stop shop for glowing skin! This set comes with a cleanser, toner and moisturizer that works great for all skin types.
The ART Cleanser is gentle on sensitive skin but still effective at removing toxins, makeup, perspiration and dead skin from our pores. The ART Toner helps balance the pH of the skin. And the ART Light Moisturizer is perfect for morning or evening use.
ART Skin Care System | item #5363 | $117.50
*can be purchased individually

Ditch & Switch Box
Young Living’s Slique has the perfect Ditch & Switch items for the New Year. Slique CitraSlim includes a proprietary citrus extract blend, which some studies suggest may help support the body in burning excess fat when used in conjunction with a healthy weight-management plan. This blend may also support the release of free fatty acids, which help break down fat.
Slique CitraSlim | item #3056 | $48.00

Citrus Fresh, Geranium, and Frankincense are staples for those who love diffusing & creating ahhhhh! When you grab these 3 oils in your monthly wellness box, give this diffuser recipe a try: 4 drops Citrus Fresh, 1 drop Geranium, 1 drop Frankincense.
Citrus Fresh Essential Oil| item #3318 | $16.50
Geranium Essential Oil | item #3554 | $44.25
Frankincense Essential Oil | item #3548 | $78.50

Self Care Box
Aromatherapy IS self care! Joy & Hope are two oils that resonate with many of us during this season and are so comforting, uplifting, and grounding.
Hope Essential Oil | item #3357 | $61.00
Joy Essential Oil | item #3372 | $44.75
Like this info? You'll LOVE my guide "five ways to retrieve your peace" check it out right here.

Do you want to hear a some somewhat disgusting facts about your bathtub?
Yep. That’s right.
The place that you are supposed to get clean may not be that clean itself.
There was a recent Texas A&M University study found that staphylococcus bacteria was in 26% of the bathtubs that they tested.
Almost all tubs showed bacteria from fecal matter.
Then a majority found fungi.
Probability went up for all these findings if it was a whirlpool tub.
No more information is really needed for me to figure out how to keep the tub free from being part of these disgusting facts. What about you?
We already know Thieves Household Cleaner is an amazing product and it can be used in a few ways to keep your tub fecal-free.
First, you can make a Thieves Soft Scrub.
This helps gets the grime out of your tub.
Take ¾ cup of Thieves Household Cleaner, 3 cups of baking soda, 30 drops of Lemon essential oils, and if desired 1 TBSP of vinegar.
Use this to scrub out the difficult areas. It also can help with hard water spots.
Second, you can fill up a refillable scrubbing brush with 2 TBS of Thieves Dish Soap, 3 capfuls of Thieves Household Cleaner, and then water.
Keep in your tub/shower and use as often as needed!
And third, make up a glass spray bottle with 2 capfuls of Thieves Household Cleaner and 10 drops of Purification. Fill with water. Shake and spray between showers/baths.
Keep the place you need to get clean, truly clean itself!
If you're looking for ways to retrieve your peace, feel free to grab my guide
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We are asking a lot of our feet...
They willingly take us wherever we tell them to go and in the process encounter a lot of stress.
A reminder to take better care of them for us all!
I saw a 2014 survey that was taken where 8 out of 10 Americans have experienced a foot problems (https://www.apma.org/files/APMA2014TodaysPodiatristSurveyAllFindings.pdf)
One noted that they found that most people don’t care for their feet as much as other parts of their bodies….
We oilers are different.
We are learning a different way!
We know that the our feet have over 3000 pores ready and waiting for oils!
So how can we up our game and take better care of our feet?
If your feet are used daily (which they probably are!), give them a little TLC daily.
Daily equals consistency....
This could be using the Young Living LavaMint Softening Foot Scrub.
This scrub not only helps exfoliate (hello summer sandals), but hydrates.
It helps refresh and revive tired feet.
I have gotten into the habit of Animal Scents Ointment on my feet nightly.
How about you??
Soak your feet. A good Epsom Salt + Essential Oil Foot Soak can really help you tired feet while also supporting a detox of your body. That’s right! An Epsom Salt foot soak helps pull the toxins out. Win-win! Add your favorite oils to further your support. Peppermint, Panaway, Lavender, and Stress Away are a few of our favorites!
A great unwinding habit before bed.
Pull the stress out and sleep better too!
Don’t wear too tight of shoes.
Comfortable shoes are worth the health of your feet. A couple of summers ago, I had a big foot issue that meant only 1 pair of sandals worked for 6 months or so. I then discovered the meaning of comfort first over cute.
Try on the Legs-Up-On-The-Wall Yoga pose after a long day. Start with a few minutes and work your way up.
Take care of your feet. You’ve only got one pair! 😉
If you're looking for ways to retrieve your peace, feel free to grab my guide
Is worry a default setting for you? Are you a visual person? We have a free community of tools for you.
Click here to get in #adjustedview #unworried #thankful