Are you carrying stress walking through, a pandemic, adjusting to working from home, caring for an elderly parent, a special needs child, a consuming job, difficult relationship you are navigating?
It seems like we are always grasping for something to stay afloat….
In the meantime, we fall through; exhausted with one nostril above the waves.
(I have listened to the song ‘Oceans’ by Hillsong literally thousands of times). click to listen
Our own health suffers, our view is foggy, relationships suffer, marriage is strained as we juggle and cope.
We feel like we have been run over by a semi-truck a few times…
And we live life with an empty cup, trying to eek one more drop out of the cup.
Our friendships, relationships, conversations, are mostly centered around the weight of the latest storm we are in.
The situations on the front burner are sizzling.
We view everything through stress filled glasses.
Always reaching and grasping.
All the while our own knees are wobbling, and we are trying to support without ever feeling like “we’ve got this”
This IS our story. Is it yours?
Maybe this is how you feel... watch this
How long can you keep hanging on?
We are offering to come along side you, and walk with you in this journey, and help you to “remember to put your glass down.”
Like this info? You'll LOVE my guide "five ways to retrieve your peace" check it out right here.
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We are asking a lot of our feet...
They willingly take us wherever we tell them to go and in the process encounter a lot of stress.
A reminder to take better care of them for us all!
I saw a 2014 survey that was taken where 8 out of 10 Americans have experienced a foot problems (https://www.apma.org/files/APMA2014TodaysPodiatristSurveyAllFindings.pdf)
One noted that they found that most people don’t care for their feet as much as other parts of their bodies….
We oilers are different.
We are learning a different way!
We know that the our feet have over 3000 pores ready and waiting for oils!
So how can we up our game and take better care of our feet?
If your feet are used daily (which they probably are!), give them a little TLC daily.
Daily equals consistency....
This could be using the Young Living LavaMint Softening Foot Scrub.
This scrub not only helps exfoliate (hello summer sandals), but hydrates.
It helps refresh and revive tired feet.
I have gotten into the habit of Animal Scents Ointment on my feet nightly.
How about you??
Soak your feet. A good Epsom Salt + Essential Oil Foot Soak can really help you tired feet while also supporting a detox of your body. That’s right! An Epsom Salt foot soak helps pull the toxins out. Win-win! Add your favorite oils to further your support. Peppermint, Panaway, Lavender, and Stress Away are a few of our favorites!
A great unwinding habit before bed.
Pull the stress out and sleep better too!
Don’t wear too tight of shoes.
Comfortable shoes are worth the health of your feet. A couple of summers ago, I had a big foot issue that meant only 1 pair of sandals worked for 6 months or so. I then discovered the meaning of comfort first over cute.
Try on the Legs-Up-On-The-Wall Yoga pose after a long day. Start with a few minutes and work your way up.
Take care of your feet. You’ve only got one pair! 😉
If you're looking for ways to retrieve your peace, feel free to grab my guide
Is worry a default setting for you? Are you a visual person? We have a free community of tools for you.
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