Essential oils can either be applied to the skin neat (without dilution) or diluted with a carrier oil. Always be sure to choose a good quality, unrefined, organic carrier oil. Just like with essential oils, carrier oil quality is so important since you're applying these on to your skin-- your largest organ. Young Living has a wonderful carrier oil blend called V6.
A carrier oil is fatty oil, that has large molecules so it slows absorption of the essential oil.
A carrier oil doesn’t make them “less strong,”
anymore than wearing sunglasses makes solar rays less bright.
It filters the intensity and slows the absorption of the oil into the skin.
The tiny essential oil molecule has to ping pong between large and small to get in.
If your skin turns red, don’t panic. Just use a carrier like olive or coconut oil. I never know how my body will respond from one day to the next. It doesn’t mean the oil is making you sick, it just means it’s doing what it was designed to do—
go after stuff!
When we apply oils topically to our skin, they are quickly absorbed by our pores and hair follicles and move into the bloodstream. From there, the party starts, and they’re dispersed throughout the various systems of our bodies to support our overall health.
For example, let's say you're cooking dinner and suddenly you get too close to a hot pan. You grab your lavender and apply it “neat” straight from the bottle to help soothe your skin. Other oils may need to be diluted first. Babies, young children, and elderly have more delicate skin and need to be diluted more. The same holds true for essential oil newbies. This is a new world for you in comparison to the chemicals you had been using, and your body is waking up with every drop!
Many people like to create roller bottles with their favorite recipes and add carrier oil so they are portable and ready to go whenever you are! (trust me, you will soon go no where without a tool from your toolbox at hand)
Ready to roll
Some of you are DIYers, and others wish that they would be the recipient of someone’s DIY/ craft night (that’s me)
Either way, find what works for you. Young Living has several beautiful ready to roll roll-ons waiting for you. Valor, Breathe Again, StressAway, Thieves, Tranquil, Deep Relief, and Rutavala.
Where do I put them?
Common areas to apply essential oils are the inside of your wrists, the back of your neck, knee pits 😊 or on your temples. These are your pulse points where oils can absorb quickly and work the fastest.
Another great place to apply oils is the bottom of your feet -- which have many nerve endings and over 4000 of the largest pores on your body.
Applying oils here allows your body to easily disperse the oil throughout your system to wherever it is needed. This is especially helpful when using oils on kids and babies.
Other times, for physical issues, I tell people to put the oil as close as the location. For example, apply DiGize in a clockwise motion on your tummy if it needs help settling down. Apply PanAway to sore muscles. Tea Tree can be dabbed undilute on to a pimple that just popped up overnight, when your body decided you're 14 again.
Start with a carrier, and you will see how your body responds. You are going to love the results! When you discover the results of peppermint on your knee pits on a hot sticky summer day, your view will never be the same.
What if there was a easy button to start simplifying your life?

Then there's this organic label thing.
Here's the deal, the USDA is a government agency for the dairy, meat, and agricultural industry. This means there are NO regulations surrounding the specific harvesting, distilling, or testing of essential oils.
So the next time you want to ask “is this oil organic?” what you should really ask is, “How was the oil produced from start to finish?” We like to say that Young Living goes BEYOND organic because they follow all organic practices, and more.
How's that?
OK put those nerdy specs back on, here goes Beyond Organics 101…
The top five ways Young Living goes beyond organic
1. In order to be USDA Certified Organic, the USDA requires that “land must have no prohibited substances applied to it for at least three years before the harvest of an organic crop.”
Young Living goes “beyond organic” and also does a full chemical analysis of the soil to test for any chemicals present in the ppb (part per billion) level that may have been there from far more than 3 years ago. Many of our Young Living farms started on Virgin soil to ensure absolute purity.
2. USDA certified farms allow for approved synthetic chemicals for crop pests, weeds, and disease control, whereas Young Living simply does not allow ANY. Young Living controls pest with essential oils and they do all the weeding naturally -- by hand, by machine, by planting specific plants in between crop lines, and on some farms even by using a particular breed of sheep that eats the weeds and not the crops!
Did you know we spend $12,000 thousand dollars per acre to hand-weed Lavender,
instead of the industry standard of $60 dollars per acre for the same plant?
The industry standard is $60 dollars per acre
because spraying pesticides is much cheaper than hand weeding.
That also means those pesticides are inside their oils.
3. The USDA requires continual testing of the soil on farms, whereas Young Living does continual testing of the soil AND of the water and the air on our farms. In order to avoid additional environmental pollutants each farm is located far away from major cities.
4. Every Young Living farm has an organic composting yard that plant matter from the distillation goes into, so there's no waste. 5 million tons of compost is used annually on our fields. We also have organic worm farms on each farm where liquid worm castings and composed plant materials are used as fertilizer. Microbes and enzymes are injected to further enrich the soil. Spring or aquifer water is used on the plants, never any municipal water.
5. Young Living insists that 100% of our products are organic. When something in US is USDA certified organic, the content must be 95% certified organic, shocking but true.
Young Living cares about things that are not even on the radar of the USDA,
like plant energy and frequency.
This means that when Young Living farmers (or those on a tour) are out of the fields, everyone's mood must be positive.
No negative talk or swearing is allowed near the plants, and positive upbeat atmosphere must be given to the crops so that they flourish and grow the way nature intended. We promise the USDA doesn't have any rule anywhere that states no swearing on an organic farm!
Young Living is a global community company with farms across every continent except Antarctica.
Because each country has different organic certifications there is no “universal global organic certification,” and because our crops are grown all over the world, we cannot label our bottles as organic. However, our standards truly are beyond the organic certification of every country in the world.
What if there was a easy button to start simplifying your life?