Young Living has this incredible quality commitment called seed to seal.
It's not a slogan it's a calling.
Seed where?
To whom?
Sealing what now?
What does this all mean?
Seed to seal means that from the time the certified non-GMO seeds are chosen an hand-selected, to the time each essential oil bottle is sealed, every step of the process is painstakingly controlled 100% by Young Living.
Every. Single. Step.
The three pillars of Seed to Seal—Sourcing, Science, and Standards— ensure that the farming, harvesting, distillation, legal compliance, and quality testing of the essential oils produced by Young Living are all done without compromise.
It also ensures that we care deeply for the earth, our farms, our plants, and the employees in communities that surround them.
Young Living has been bringing pure oils “from the soil to the oil” since 1993, a process that takes years to begin, and far more to perfect.
So why settle for anything less?
See for yourself...
Young Living is the only essential oil company in the world that is not a broker.
Young Living is the only essential oil company in the world that owns or partners with each farm AND distills all oils on-site.
This company has nothing to hide, truly zip.
They are so open and transparent that their farms and distilleries around the world are open to the public where you, too, can see their commitment to qualify and sustainability with your very own eyes.
Get to a farm. Stick your hands in the dirt. It will change you forever.
I sure did me. Every single time I open a bottle of Juniper, it take me right back to that first step on to the farm. I touched, I smelled, I tasted, I felt, I laughed, I wiped tears. It is hard to put into words, and it all comes back with one inhalation.
You know how when you go to a healthy, open-kitchen restaurant and feel reassured as you watch your food getting prepared with the freshest ingredients?
This is the same open-- door philosophy at Young Living.
We encourage you to visit the farms, tour our distilleries, participate in a harvest, meet the people, feel the true passion for the purity and purpose.
It is who we are.
Ready for more?
We start with what we call an ‘oil map’.
It helps you see the benefits available for you right where you are.

The Little Oilers Starter Kit is a member favorite! It comes with an adorable “Feather the Owl” diffuser and 5 oils from the KidScents line. The diffuser doubles as a sound machine and a nightlight— perfect for kiddos! You will quickly fall in love the soft music, nature sounds, waves, and light changes on his belly.
The most common ways to use oils with children are aromatically and topically. Aromatically just means diffusing or inhaling from your palms or the bottle. When diffusing around children, I always recommend starting with just 1-2 drops of each oil and increasing from there.
Learning to use oils on children can sometimes be overwhelming, so never hesitate to reach out to me if you have questions—that’s what I’m here for! But I also wanted to share one of my favorite resources for using oils on the little ones—a book called Gentle Babies by Debra Raybern. It has so many great tips and education for supporting your kiddos naturally!
Using oils topically means to apply them directly onto the skin. It is important to properly dilute oils as needed when applying topically on babies and children. This is the dilution guide recommended by Young Living when applying oils topically to babies and children.
My favorite thing about our Little Oilers Kit is that all of the oils come pre-diluted. So, when you’re using the Little Oilers collection on children 2+ years old, you do not have to dilute further. Hello, easy button!

This oil is a blend of some of the best calming and relaxing oils such as Lavender, Roman Chamomile, and Sacred Frankincense. The oils in this blend are perfect for winding down before a nap or bedtime and can also help with restlessness or big emotions. And even though this is considered a “kid’s oil,” many adults love to diffuse this blend in their room at night while they sleep too. (you will soon discover that everyone in the family are sharing these!)
This is a great oil to diffuse at night and let your kiddos touch the talons to turn on Feather. It will soon be a naptime/nighttime routine.

GeneYus oil is also known as “focus in a bottle”! This oil is a game changer for anyone that has trouble focusing on or completing a task! My favorite way to apply this oil is to place one drop on the back of the neck (over the brain stem) before heading to school. You can also apply on the wrists when you really need to concentrate or diffuse when doing homework!
niffleEase is a blend of oils that supports healthy breathing, including Eucalyptus, Marjoram, and Peppermint. This oil is great for keeping little lungs healthy and easing the sniffles as the seasons change. I would recommend taking one of the roller tops that comes in your kit and adding it to this oil for easier application. The easiest way to apply this one is to roll on the chest, back, under the nose, or feet of your little!

TummyGize is also another member favorite for children and adults. It is perfect for keeping those grumbles away and settling even the tiniest of tummies. Pop one of the roller tops on this bottle and roll around the belly button when needed!
Something to consider...
There are some amazing benefits beyond your 24% wholesale discount that come with the Little Oilers Kit. You gain access to education and our growing community.
Young Living also has an amazing subscription called Essential Rewards. Through Essential Rewards (or "ER", as I call it) you can create a monthly Wellness Box for yourself & mix n match products every month based on your household needs. It's a HUGE savings on the wellness & clean living products that you need and your monthly wellness subscription box gives you 10%-25% back in YL Cash.
Young Living also has an amazing subscription called Essential Rewards. Through Essential Rewards (or "ER", as I call it) you can create a monthly Wellness Box for yourself & mix n match products every month based on your household needs. It's a HUGE savings on the wellness & clean living products that you need and your monthly wellness subscription box gives you 10%-25% back in YL Cash.
You will soon find this is one of the best decisions you ever made for your littles, and you :)

Where convenience + savings brings a smile!
Here are 7 ideas for your Young Living Wellness Box this month! Each box is geared towards a certain theme - you can grab a box in its entirety, or mix and match! One of the things I love most about Young Living is that you can completely customize your Essential Rewards wellness box order - from the date it ships to what’s inside your box each month.
And don’t forget, if your order is 100 PV+ you will earn FREE shipping! Also, if you order a purchase of 50 PV+ through Essential Rewards, you'll earn an additional 10%-25% back in YL store credit, giving you even better pricing on your wellness, home and body care needs!

With the day of love fast approaching I thought I would share a box completely dedicated to hormone support! What better way to say I love you to your body than to make sure you are keeping those hormones balanced and in check. Dragon Time and Mister are two perfect blends for that!
Dragon Time Essential Oil| item #3327 | $52.25
Orange Essential Oil | item #3602 | $11.50

Sulfurzyme Capsules | item #3243 | $61.50
Sulfurzyme Powder | item #3241 | $49.25

Supporting your body with key nutrients has never been more important. I love that Young Living uses the cleanest form of vitamins and that they add essential oils to their supplements for better absorption into our cells! The Super C vitamin comes in a tablet or chewable form, and the Super Vitamin D is a dissolvable tablet for under your tongue.
Super C Tablets | item #3242 | $30.75
Super C Chewable Tablets | item #3240 | $34.00
Super Vitamin D Tablets | item #28972 | $31.00

KidPower Roll-On | item #33179 | $34.00
Ningxia Red Singles - 30ct | item #3525 | $90.50
I love that Young Living makes Ditching & Switching (ditching toxic and switching to cle
an) so easy! They are literally a one stop shop for anything you could possibly need for your home.

The Thieves Laundry detergent is super concentrated so a little goes a long way. You can use the purification oil to give a boost to your laundry soap or diffuse it in the kitchen to purify the air! And the Thieves Dish soap is a great kitchen swap for getting rid of the harsh chemicals, plus it can double as a stain remover!
Thieves Laundry Soap | item #5349 | $30.75
Thieves Dish Soap | item #5350 | $14.50
Purification Essential Oil | item #3389 | $16.50

For our candle swap box this month we are going to recreate the Anthropologie Volcano Candle using our beloved essential oils. All of these oils smell great by themselves but this specific blend combination is divine! The recipe calls for: 3 drops Orange, 3 drops Grapefruit, 2 drops Geranium, 2 drops Lime and
2 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce
Orange Essential Oil| item #3602 | $11.50
Grapefruit Essential Oil | item #3560 | $18.00
Geranium Essential Oil | item #3554 | $44.25
Lime Essential Oil | item #3074 | $13.00
Northern Lights Black Spruce Essential Oil | item #5313 | $25.50

And last, but certainly not least is a Love & Romance Box! These are 3 of the best oils for the bedroom. Sensation helps with getting in the mood. Cypress is known to increase blood flow. And Black Pepper is perfect for bringing in the heat, if you know what I mean!
Sensation Essential Oil | item #3420 | $35.50
Cypress Essential Oil | item #3530 | $20.50
Black Pepper Essential Oil | item #3611 | $20.00
Like this info? You'll LOVE my guide "five ways to retrieve your peace" check it out right here.

When you crack open a bottle of Young Living essential oils you will discover a lot of WOW.
One of the WOWs is the orifice reducer.
The what? Stay with me.
This is the silicone top that is there to help you adjust how much oil comes out of the bottle.
It is a big deal.
Young Living makes the best orifice reducers in the industry, hands down.
It's the little things that underline integrity over and over and over.
Silicone will not deteriorate and will not leach into your oils
This amazing little piece allows one drop to come out.
You see, Young Living uses orifice reducers that are unlike any you can find in the world.
The oil drips from the tiny hole to the SIDE of the main center hole.
The center hole let’s the air in.
The small holes are why you can control the drip from a Young Living bottle.
Other oil companies have the oil come out the center.
This makes it much harder to control how often the oil gets either stuck and you have to shake the bottle to get any out or the oil pours out too fast.
Shaking the bottle is easy to do partly due to habit and hurry.
It is a big deal with our oils because when we shake the bottle it forces oxygen molecules to mix with the oil. This shortens the shelf life.
So get in the habit of rolling the bottle between your hands, and turning the bottle so the little hole is down.
Don’t ‘help’ the oil come out.
Ready for a tip or two?
When you crack open your bottle, locate the tiny hole and draw a arrow or dot by it so that you can find it next time. This will help a ton when you are aiming for a capsule and want the oil to gather inside and not on your hands or the sides.
When you are using thick oils—such as Vetiver or Myrrh, remember to put the oil bottle in your pocket or bra for a few minutes to warm it up.
This might not be an issue in the summertime as much as it is in the winter, or if you live in a warm climate.
But, it Minnesota it is a big deal!
I have been known to wait over a minute waiting for one precious drop of Vetiver to come out.
I LOVE Vetiver in the diffuser at night.
Most nights I fall asleep on God while Dave is praying.
He says God doesn’t mind….
So, waiting for those drops might take minutes, but, patience is a virtue right?
We all need more of it.
And, yes, it is when you are waiting for the gold that happens with each drop.
And in the end, it is so worth it.
After all, we can't hurry gold.
That drop may make the difference between sleep and counting sheep.
It sure does for me.
So, I will wait and choose to aim better.
If you're looking for ways to retrieve your peace, feel free to grab my guide
Is worry a default setting for you? Are you a visual person? We have a free community of tools for you.
Click here to get in #adjustedview #unworried #thankful

Why should you be diffusing in your home?
Diffusing is not just a smell good activity. It is first in line for our motto "real tools with side benefits"
It’s something we can do in our homes to replace toxic fragrance products with scents with healthy giving benefits. There are incredible aromatic benefits you can receive simply from diffusing pure essential oils. Aromatic usage allows you to inhale essential oils.
Young Living diffusers are ultrasonic. The fancy little silver plate in the bottom of your diffuser vibrates the water and oils within the diffuser distributing the oils in the air for you to breathe in. The frequency of the oil is maintained for maximum benefit for you, while there is no heat, which can destroy the therapeutic properties of the essential oils.
So, what exactly are the benefits?
-Aids in your overall wellness by helping keep you above the wellness line. Different oils help boost your body systems keeping you healthy.
-Getting rid of odors without spraying chemicals in the air that can cause health and respiratory issues. Many of the sprays that are odor eliminating contain harsh toxins that can linger in the air for up to two weeks. If you struggle with any respiratory issues, this will continue to build up within your system causing issues. Switch out to diffusing some Purification or Citrus Fresh!
-Lifting your emotions through the benefit of entering the portion of your brain that is only accessed through smell. The limbic region is where memories and emotions are stored. Emotional health is just as important to us as physical, mental, and spiritual health.
Utilizing our essential oils to keep our moods lifted, helps to steer us from negative thought patterns, allowing us to live life with a more vibrant outlook. Try Joy, Orange, Bergamot, Valor, White Angelica, or Harmony.
-Sound sleep. Diffusing while sleeping is a great way to support your entire body system and to help relax and calm your body for a better sleep experience. Try Lavender, Peace & Calming, Sacred Mountain, or Cedarwood.
-Energy & Motivation. On the flip side of relaxing and sleep, sometimes you need a boost to “get things done”. Some oils are great at uplifting the spirit to tackle the things you need to do for the day. Try diffusing Gathering, Peppermint and Lemon, Clarity, or Motivation.
-Creating an atmosphere. This is one side benefit I love! Just a few drops, and the whole room changes. It will affect everyone in the room. Get the diffuser in place with intention before people are coming and going from your home. We frequently have comments made when people enter our home. People can feel the difference.
Whether it is for meditation, peace, or simply a smell good, feel good intention---there are hundreds of options.
A few favorites for gatherings are: Stress Away with Peppermint (aka chocolate mint), Gathering, Abundance, Believe, or Sacred Mountain.
Diffusing is an easy way to be using your essential oils in your home. Keep that amazing machine going 24/7 when you are home and in your bedrooms during the night to continue reaping consistent benefits. Start them up about 30 minutes before bed, and you are set up for results.
Sometimes I think back... how did we do life before Young Living?
If you're looking for ways to retrieve your peace, feel free to grab my guide
Is worry a default setting for you? Are you a visual person? We have a free community of tools for you.
Click here to get in #adjustedview #unworried #thankful