A truly pure essential oil, with nothing added or taken away, just as nature intended, is the safest and most beneficial to our bodies.
Low-quality essential oils can be made from plants that were sprayed with pesticides or treated with chemical solvents to extract more oil from the plant.
Many brands sell nature-identical oils that can be chemically identical but they are synthetically created or adulterated in some way.
This is why a $3 lavender oil from the drugstore
didn't give you the best night of sleep ever.
Essential oils are classified under the term “fragrance” by the FDA. This means that a bottle that says “100% pure essential oil” on the outside could legally contain 0% plant matter on the inside...Buyer beware!
Some labels even claim that the oil inside is “certified pure.”
Guess what!? There is no such thing!
Clever marketers depend on the consumer’s ignorance. If a certification is trademarked (™), this just means that company just paid money to use that word; there is no actual certification for purity.
You have been bamboozled!
While on the topic of labels, have you ever noticed how our bottles do not have an expiration date?
Wonder why?
It's because truly pure essential oil will never expire. When stored correctly, away from heat and sunlight, essential oils can last forever. Pure essential oils like Myrrh have been found in ancient Egyptian tombs an have been tested and found to be potent and fresh.
Young Living has spent over 25 years building the most sophisticated in-house labs in the world for young testing essential oils. Devices in these labs can detect heavy metals down to the part per billion (ppb) level.
That's like singling out one drop of water in an Olympic sized swimming pool!
Our labs go far beyond the essential oil industry standard and perform 20 different quality assessment tests, in triplicate, on each batch of oil to ensure it is pure an unadulterated, free of heavy metals, pesticides, and any harmful full ingredients like mold or bacteria.
If the oil passes those 60 tests, it goes up to be bottled or blended.
Then it's tested again, in triplicate.
Yes, that's 3 times twice!
That means that 120 tests are done on every batch of oil, and it takes 20 people over a week to test each batch!
If at any point, the batch fails any test, it is used for research purposes to find out why it failed, and then it is tossed. Or, it gets used on our farm for cleaning purposes.
It never gets resold to recoup lost money.
No other company in the world goes to such great lengths to ensure the quality of their oils.
Young Living also works with 7 other external third-party labs who do additional forensic testing, not just labs of their own like many other companies. We use some of the same labs that the FBI uses, so that we can say we are the world leader in essential oils, we're dead serious.
The purity of every drop matters. This is Young Living.
Every detail matters... it is your health that is affected.
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