Have you had someone tell you that they are ‘sensitive to scents, or can’t do scents’ before?
It is a common comment.
I just smile... because they just don't know.
I came into this not knowing either.
The reason they don’t 'do scents' is because they have smelled synthetic fragrances, and their body is screaming NO!!!
They interpret that no into ‘I don’t do scents’
Our bodies are amazing.
They just know.
God built them that way.
The more you are around pure, that more your body will be happy.
Inside and out.
Here is my response.
" What happens when you cut open an orange?
Does your body react to the scent? "
In 7 years, I have never had anyone say yes to this question.
Not one time.
Of course not! Why?
Because the orange is pure. Nothing added.
Enter Young Living. Same thing. Lovingly placed inside a brown bottle just for you.
Speaking of Oranges….
Glutathione! Have you heard of it?
It is the most important molecule you need to stay healthy and prevent disease.
When you study glutathione you will soon uncover that it is the secret to prevent aging, cancer, heart disease, dementia and necessary to treat everything from Autism to Alzheimer’s disease.
There are more than 89,000 medical articles about it —
Here's my surprised face...
So what is it?
There are more than 89,000 medical articles about it —
Here's my surprised face...
So what is it?
Oh, just the mother of all antioxidants, the master detoxifier and orchestra director of the immune system.
The good news is that your body produces its own glutathione. Hooray!!
The bad news is that poor diet, pollution, toxins, medications, stress, trauma, aging, infections and radiation all deplete your glutathione. **sigh**
Asking for a friend…
What's this got to do with Orange?
Sit down.
Young Living Orange essential oil can help support HEALTHY levels of Glutathione in the liver!!
It's like a little ninja warrior for your hardworking liver.
How do you support your liver with Orange oil?
How do you support your liver with Orange oil?
8 wonderful drops each day over your liver.
You will smell wonderful, and your liver will be smiling.
If you want to know more on how you can support your body, we would love to chat.

Do you want to hear a some somewhat disgusting facts about your bathtub?
Yep. That’s right.
The place that you are supposed to get clean may not be that clean itself.
There was a recent Texas A&M University study found that staphylococcus bacteria was in 26% of the bathtubs that they tested.
Almost all tubs showed bacteria from fecal matter.
Then a majority found fungi.
Probability went up for all these findings if it was a whirlpool tub.
No more information is really needed for me to figure out how to keep the tub free from being part of these disgusting facts. What about you?
We already know Thieves Household Cleaner is an amazing product and it can be used in a few ways to keep your tub fecal-free.
First, you can make a Thieves Soft Scrub.
This helps gets the grime out of your tub.
Take ¾ cup of Thieves Household Cleaner, 3 cups of baking soda, 30 drops of Lemon essential oils, and if desired 1 TBSP of vinegar.
Use this to scrub out the difficult areas. It also can help with hard water spots.
Second, you can fill up a refillable scrubbing brush with 2 TBS of Thieves Dish Soap, 3 capfuls of Thieves Household Cleaner, and then water.
Keep in your tub/shower and use as often as needed!
And third, make up a glass spray bottle with 2 capfuls of Thieves Household Cleaner and 10 drops of Purification. Fill with water. Shake and spray between showers/baths.
Keep the place you need to get clean, truly clean itself!
If you're looking for ways to retrieve your peace, feel free to grab my guide
Is worry a default setting for you? Are you a visual person? We have a free community of tools for you.
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We are asking a lot of our feet...
They willingly take us wherever we tell them to go and in the process encounter a lot of stress.
A reminder to take better care of them for us all!
I saw a 2014 survey that was taken where 8 out of 10 Americans have experienced a foot problems (https://www.apma.org/files/APMA2014TodaysPodiatristSurveyAllFindings.pdf)
One noted that they found that most people don’t care for their feet as much as other parts of their bodies….
We oilers are different.
We are learning a different way!
We know that the our feet have over 3000 pores ready and waiting for oils!
So how can we up our game and take better care of our feet?
If your feet are used daily (which they probably are!), give them a little TLC daily.
Daily equals consistency....
This could be using the Young Living LavaMint Softening Foot Scrub.
This scrub not only helps exfoliate (hello summer sandals), but hydrates.
It helps refresh and revive tired feet.
I have gotten into the habit of Animal Scents Ointment on my feet nightly.
How about you??
Soak your feet. A good Epsom Salt + Essential Oil Foot Soak can really help you tired feet while also supporting a detox of your body. That’s right! An Epsom Salt foot soak helps pull the toxins out. Win-win! Add your favorite oils to further your support. Peppermint, Panaway, Lavender, and Stress Away are a few of our favorites!
A great unwinding habit before bed.
Pull the stress out and sleep better too!
Don’t wear too tight of shoes.
Comfortable shoes are worth the health of your feet. A couple of summers ago, I had a big foot issue that meant only 1 pair of sandals worked for 6 months or so. I then discovered the meaning of comfort first over cute.
Try on the Legs-Up-On-The-Wall Yoga pose after a long day. Start with a few minutes and work your way up.
Take care of your feet. You’ve only got one pair! 😉
If you're looking for ways to retrieve your peace, feel free to grab my guide
Is worry a default setting for you? Are you a visual person? We have a free community of tools for you.
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Why should you be diffusing in your home?
Diffusing is not just a smell good activity. It is first in line for our motto "real tools with side benefits"
It’s something we can do in our homes to replace toxic fragrance products with scents with healthy giving benefits. There are incredible aromatic benefits you can receive simply from diffusing pure essential oils. Aromatic usage allows you to inhale essential oils.
Young Living diffusers are ultrasonic. The fancy little silver plate in the bottom of your diffuser vibrates the water and oils within the diffuser distributing the oils in the air for you to breathe in. The frequency of the oil is maintained for maximum benefit for you, while there is no heat, which can destroy the therapeutic properties of the essential oils.
So, what exactly are the benefits?
-Aids in your overall wellness by helping keep you above the wellness line. Different oils help boost your body systems keeping you healthy.
-Getting rid of odors without spraying chemicals in the air that can cause health and respiratory issues. Many of the sprays that are odor eliminating contain harsh toxins that can linger in the air for up to two weeks. If you struggle with any respiratory issues, this will continue to build up within your system causing issues. Switch out to diffusing some Purification or Citrus Fresh!
-Lifting your emotions through the benefit of entering the portion of your brain that is only accessed through smell. The limbic region is where memories and emotions are stored. Emotional health is just as important to us as physical, mental, and spiritual health.
Utilizing our essential oils to keep our moods lifted, helps to steer us from negative thought patterns, allowing us to live life with a more vibrant outlook. Try Joy, Orange, Bergamot, Valor, White Angelica, or Harmony.
-Sound sleep. Diffusing while sleeping is a great way to support your entire body system and to help relax and calm your body for a better sleep experience. Try Lavender, Peace & Calming, Sacred Mountain, or Cedarwood.
-Energy & Motivation. On the flip side of relaxing and sleep, sometimes you need a boost to “get things done”. Some oils are great at uplifting the spirit to tackle the things you need to do for the day. Try diffusing Gathering, Peppermint and Lemon, Clarity, or Motivation.
-Creating an atmosphere. This is one side benefit I love! Just a few drops, and the whole room changes. It will affect everyone in the room. Get the diffuser in place with intention before people are coming and going from your home. We frequently have comments made when people enter our home. People can feel the difference.
Whether it is for meditation, peace, or simply a smell good, feel good intention---there are hundreds of options.
A few favorites for gatherings are: Stress Away with Peppermint (aka chocolate mint), Gathering, Abundance, Believe, or Sacred Mountain.
Diffusing is an easy way to be using your essential oils in your home. Keep that amazing machine going 24/7 when you are home and in your bedrooms during the night to continue reaping consistent benefits. Start them up about 30 minutes before bed, and you are set up for results.
Sometimes I think back... how did we do life before Young Living?
If you're looking for ways to retrieve your peace, feel free to grab my guide
Is worry a default setting for you? Are you a visual person? We have a free community of tools for you.
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Were you raised in a culture of fear?
I was...
Using these two oils together in my prayer time gave me tools that work. I hope you find the same value as I did, should you find yourself feeling the weight of stress, anxiety and worry.
Apply a few drops, one oil at a time in the palm of your hand, inhale to a count of four and with a big exhale, as you release the stress with every exhale.
• Tangerine contains properties that are sedating and calming to the nervous system.
• Orange brings peace and happiness to the mind and body and joy to the heart, which feelings provide emotional support to help one overcome depression.
• Ylang Ylang may help balance the male-female energies so you are able to move closer towards being able to focus thoughts, filtering out the ever-present garbage. It brings back feelings of self-love, confidence, joy, and peace.
• Patchouli is sedating, calming, and relaxing, allowing it to reduce anxiety.
• Blue Tansy may help cleanse the liver and calm the lymphatic system.
3 C's : courage, calming, and confidence
• Spruce grounds the body, creating the balance and the opening necessary to receive and to give. It also helps one release emotional blocks.
• Rosewood is soothing to the skin, appeasing to the mind, relaxing to the body, and creates a feeling of peace and gentleness.
• Blue Tansy brings cleansing to the lymphatic system and liver. Assists in gently releasing anger and bottled up emotions
• Frankincense contains sesquiterpenes, which may help oxygenate the pineal and pituitary glands. As one of the ingredients for the holy incense, Frankincense was used in connecting with God. It can help to lift your spirits and bring a shift in focus and outlook.
Carve out a few minutes to just 'sit under' valor. Put it on your shoulders, breathe, journal and feel the weight lift.
As I say all the time, you can’t make this up...
These powerful tools can turn the corner in your day when used with intention.
What a difference it would make if before we saw the world each day, we applied peace and calming and valor!
How would it change your view?
Like this info? You'll LOVE my guide "five ways to retrieve your peace" Check it out right here

Did you know?
Around 90% of the supplements you can buy are not fully bioavailable because they are synthetic.
While science will tell you that your body will readily absorb a synthetic version just as well as a natural form, they fail to tell you that your body won’t readily recognize a synthetic version.
When you consume a synthetic, your body does not know what to do with it.
You simply pee or poop it out and your $$$ goes right down the toilet.
Young Living is different for a couple of reasons.
First, they use whole food sources in fruits, veggies, herbs, and roots in each supplement.
Second, they infuse many of their supplements with essential oils.
Essential oils are extremely volatile and very small in their molecular structure, making them an excellent vehicle to increase the bioavailability of the supplements.
The essential oils themselves are different than any you can purchase on the market because they are the true unaltered botanicals, allowing for a true ‘entourage effect’ which means the whole of the oil is used, there is much greater synergy that occurs within our bodies.
The combination of whole-plant nutrition infused with unaltered essential oils give you dietary supplementation through Young Living which is second to none.
Bioavailability simply means a proportion of a nutrient that is digested/absorbed and metabolized in the body.
There is a HUGE difference between Young Living supplements and regular store-bought supplements. Young Living supplements have an 80% + absorption rate compared to conventional supplements, which only have a 30% absorption rate---That is a 50% increase you guys!!
Short story, less $ and more effective. YES! I'm in!
The difference in these supplements is in their bioavailability and their essential oil content. Dr. Gary Young was the first to formulate nutritional supplements with essential oils.
The difference in these supplements is in their bioavailability and their essential oil content. Dr. Gary Young was the first to formulate nutritional supplements with essential oils.
Essential oils infused into a supplement make the nutrients and vitamins more bioavailable in the body. This means the body can absorb them and use them as nutrients.
Are you wondering how it works? Essential oils help increase the absorption of other nutrients on a cellular level and they help remove waste from the cells, which helps detoxify them, in turn causing the cells to function at a higher level!
Are you wondering how it works? Essential oils help increase the absorption of other nutrients on a cellular level and they help remove waste from the cells, which helps detoxify them, in turn causing the cells to function at a higher level!
The oils draw in the nutrients to the cells. It’s just amazing….
So... the bottom line is that you should 100% be taking Young Living’s supplements over your store bought ones!
You can trust that your body will recognize and use every single bit of the goodness.
Like this info? You'll LOVE my guide "five ways to retrieve your peace" Check it out right here

Is your body feeling the weight of the stress around you?
Maybe an ulcer, a stress rash, a few hormonal breakouts, some digestive issues, a headache, a backache, some bags under the eyes, teething grinding, should I keep going?
Just Kidding. Kind of...
One of the things I love about Young Living is there are so many resources to help managing the stress and give it a route out.
Products won’t do all the work for you, but if you intentionally slow down and support your system with them you will feel a shift in your mental and emotional state.
Stress Away is often picked first. This blend is perfect for helping with alleviating everyday stress. A great option is the Stress Away Roll-On. Always keep it on you and use it often. Make sure you breathe it in deeply while applying.
Tranquil Roll-On is fantastic to grab if Stress Away just isn’t quite cutting it for your anxiousness. This roller is a blend of Lavender, Cedarwood, and Roman Chamomile. It is often used for sleep to calm the mind, but it can be incredibly helpful for those that need help settling their mind that is constantly turned on.
Motivation is a blend that is good for the times you have a list you must complete, but you are struggling with the feeling of action to complete it. This is a great one to toss in the diffuser or to put behind your ears. Breathe in deeply and do the things you have to do to feel accomplished.
Relaxation Massage Oil is a great wind down product for the end of a crazy day. This massage oil can help relieve, relax, and soothe. If you don’t have someone to give you a massage, you can do a self-massage. Take some of your Massage Oil and rub your hands and feet. Find the pressure points that feel the most tender and rub them out. The pressure points on these extremities act as a full-body massage.
Stress Away or Lavender Bath Bombs are both great options. If you need some serious recharge time, draw a hot bath, and put one of these in. The bath bomb is not only aromatically soothing, but the ingredients are ones to help make your body feel soft and silky when you are done.
Above all, you can't pour out of an empty cup.
Like this info? You'll LOVE my guide "five ways to retrieve your peace" Check it out right here

Why a Detox Bath?
Detox baths can be very beneficial to your overall wellness.
Detox baths can be very beneficial to your overall wellness.
A detox bath is a natural way to help you rid your body of toxins.
You simply add Epsom Salt and essential oils to your bath and let them dissolve.
Epsom Salt helps draw the toxins out of your body.
Epsom Salt helps draw the toxins out of your body.
Helpful Hint:
Make sure that you purchase Epsom Salts without any added fragrance to them.
You will want to add your own Young Living Essential Oils to the mix.
Here is a great brand to add to your Amazon cart: epsom salts
Why might you want to take a detox bath?
-It can soothe the skin. It can help smooth rough skin and get rid of dead skin cells.
-It can reduce soreness and pain. Those who suffer from any kind of swelling can benefit from a detox bath. The Epsom Salt can ease the pain and help get rid of toxins that may be irritating the body and causing inflammation.
-It can help reduce stress. The magnesium found in Epsom Salt can help boost the neurotransmitters that are responsible for inducing sleep and reducing stress. It also helps you relax if your stress had caused tension in your body.
-It can promote foot health. A soak in Epsom Salt may help with Athlete’s Foot and ingrown toenails.
-It can help reduce the time you are sick. If you’ve been under the weather, detox baths can help draw out the toxins in your body that may be assisting in how miserable you feel.
Some essential oils that are great to add to your Epsom Salt:
Lavender, Stress Away, Peace & Calming, Panaway, Purification (if you are feeling under the weather), Bergamot, Citrus Fresh.
How do you take a detox bath?
Simply add 2 cups of Epsom Salt with 5-10 drops of the essential oils of your choosing to a warm bath. Soak for 20+ minutes.
Like this info? You'll LOVE my guide "five ways to retrieve your peace" Check it out right here