When you crack open a bottle of Young Living essential oils you will discover a lot of WOW.
One of the WOWs is the orifice reducer.
The what? Stay with me.
This is the silicone top that is there to help you adjust how much oil comes out of the bottle.
It is a big deal.
Young Living makes the best orifice reducers in the industry, hands down.
It's the little things that underline integrity over and over and over.
Silicone will not deteriorate and will not leach into your oils
This amazing little piece allows one drop to come out.
You see, Young Living uses orifice reducers that are unlike any you can find in the world.
The oil drips from the tiny hole to the SIDE of the main center hole.
The center hole let’s the air in.
The small holes are why you can control the drip from a Young Living bottle.
Other oil companies have the oil come out the center.
This makes it much harder to control how often the oil gets either stuck and you have to shake the bottle to get any out or the oil pours out too fast.
Shaking the bottle is easy to do partly due to habit and hurry.
It is a big deal with our oils because when we shake the bottle it forces oxygen molecules to mix with the oil. This shortens the shelf life.
So get in the habit of rolling the bottle between your hands, and turning the bottle so the little hole is down.
Don’t ‘help’ the oil come out.
Ready for a tip or two?
When you crack open your bottle, locate the tiny hole and draw a arrow or dot by it so that you can find it next time. This will help a ton when you are aiming for a capsule and want the oil to gather inside and not on your hands or the sides.
When you are using thick oils—such as Vetiver or Myrrh, remember to put the oil bottle in your pocket or bra for a few minutes to warm it up.
This might not be an issue in the summertime as much as it is in the winter, or if you live in a warm climate.
But, it Minnesota it is a big deal!
I have been known to wait over a minute waiting for one precious drop of Vetiver to come out.
I LOVE Vetiver in the diffuser at night.
Most nights I fall asleep on God while Dave is praying.
He says God doesn’t mind….
So, waiting for those drops might take minutes, but, patience is a virtue right?
We all need more of it.
And, yes, it is when you are waiting for the gold that happens with each drop.
And in the end, it is so worth it.
After all, we can't hurry gold.
That drop may make the difference between sleep and counting sheep.
It sure does for me.
So, I will wait and choose to aim better.
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