When you're new to using Young Living essential oils, start slow because these oils are far more potent and powerful than any other oils on the market!
We often think that more is better, but in this case, less is more.
Act like you have bottles of liquid gold and put away that heavy hand.
For example, if you read a diffuser recipe that calls for six drops of Peppermint oil, start with three until you know how oils work with your unique body.
In order to experience the mind expanding benefits of a essential oils, be sure to use them consistently. Come up with daily routines (yes, every single day!) for using your oils, and soon you'll see how much they support you. Trust us, you can't make up the results you will see, and consistency is key.
Let’s talk some terminology…
Remember, like all things new, there's a learning curve here. So be kind to your brain as it absorbs this new info. It's very much like learning a new language!
This means when you put the oil on your skin, it feels like it's hot and may give a burning or tingling sensation. These oils are not literally “hot” but their reaction feels hot. So how do you use hot oils? You dilute them!
Examples of hot oils: cinnamon bark, clove, thyme, peppermint, oregano, lemongrass, and thieves.
Keep out of the sun for 8 to 10 hours when using photosensitive oils on your sun-exposed skin, so you don't burn. OR, as we say it, put the oils where the sun doesn't shine if you want to use them during the day.
Think of these essential oils like vampires, ideally kept in the shade and best used on your skin at night. Apply them before bedtime and tomorrow you'll wake up refreshed and beautifully bright looking.
Examples of photosensitive oils: lemon, lime, grapefruit, orange, bergamot, tangerine, citrus fresh, stress away, peace and calming.
Here’s a way to remember this one: carrier oils will CARRY the essential oil in it, like a vehicle taking the celebrity for a ride. Carrier oils are typically found in your kitchen, and Young Living makes their own, too, called V-6. It is a wonderful blend of these carrier oils: fractionated coconut oil, sesame seed oil, grapeseed oil, sweet almond oil, wheat germ oil, sunflower oil, and olive oil.
When we make ointments and creams, we typically use hard cold press coconut oil, shea butter, or coconut butter to carry the essential oils.
Examples of carrier oils: olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, grapeseed oil, jojoba oil.
Because essential oils are highly concentrated, blending them with a carrier oil helps to both dilute the essential oil and disperse it onto and into the skin. This is super important for use with babies and little ones!
Newborn – 6 months: 1 drop essential oil to 1 Tbs carrier oil
6 months – 2 years: Dilute 1:4
2 years – 6 years: Dilute 1:3
6 years – 12 years: Dilute 1:2
Young Living has a full line of ‘pre-diluted’ oils made for children. They are in the KIDSCENTS line.
You will soon discover making rollerballs of your favorite combinations make them portable and ready whether you have a bug bite, head tension, tummy aches, stress, etc.
This is a new way of life, and you will soon wonder how you ever did life without these oils.
That is exactly how we feel.
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