1. Safety: Have you read the label on the back of a commercial cleaner? Warning! Flammable! Do not ingest! Keep out of reach of children!
2. Air quality: Did you know that indoor air is 5–7 times more polluted than outdoor air?

4. Convenience: It's much easier to clean with a few products that take care of all your cleaning needs, rather than a having whole arsenal of toxic products under your sink and in your bathrooms.
Why worry about all the what if’s? Be empowered and take charge of your chores by using a cleaner with plant-based ingredients.

The difference in these supplements is in their bioavailability and their essential oil content. Dr. Gary Young was the first to formulate nutritional supplements with essential oils.
Are you wondering how it works? Essential oils help increase the absorption of other nutrients on a cellular level and they help remove waste from the cells, which helps detoxify them, in turn causing the cells to function at a higher level!
So... the bottom line is that you should 100% be taking Young Living’s supplements over your store bought ones!

Longevity Essential Oil is a blend that contains the 4 of the highest antioxidant essential oils.
It’s one of the main reasons that many love Ningxia Red so much!!
There are many schools of thought on antioxidants, but the theory of free radicals is one of the strongest. The theory is based on the fact that continued oxidative stress to cells, receptors and DNA in the body cause aging; beyond the normal aging process.
All of us are subject to day-to-day oxidative damage. The good news is one of the best ways we can decrease the amount of oxidative stress is by increasing our uptake of antioxidants.
Why are Antioxidants so Important?
Antioxidants are incredible because when taken as a dietary supplement (hello Longevity Vitality) it may protect the skin by attaching themselves to free radicals, which in turn may minimize the potential harmful effects and is important for youthful-looking skin.
There are 4 Essential oils that make up Longevity:
Thyme: this essential oil can
dramatically boost glutathione levels in the heart, liver and brain. It can
also help keep fats found in many vital organs - healthy! The oxidation of fats
in the body is directly linked to accelerated aging.
Orange: Contains over 90% d-limonene and you are
going to want to https://scholar.google.com/ why you want more d-limonene in
your life!
Clove: has the highest known antioxidant power as measured
by ORAC-( Oxygen Radical Absobrance Capacity) this is another one that you want
to https://scholar.google.com/ when it comes to antioxidation!
Frankincense: this is an oil that can do
so much for your mind, mood and your limbic system. https://scholar.google.com/ is going to be your friend on this one as well!
How to use Longevity Vitality:
Put 1–2
drops of Longevity Vitality in a capsule daily to support a healthy immune
same oil in the bottle/different label. Longevity can be placed on your feet as well, a great bedtime habit!

One of the things I love about Young Living is there are so many resources to help managing the stress and give it a route out.
Products won’t do all the work for you, but if you intentionally slow down and support your system with them you will feel a shift in your mental and emotional state.
Stress Away is often picked first. This blend is perfect for helping with alleviating everyday stress. A great option is the Stress Away Roll-On. Always keep it on you and use it often. Make sure you breathe it in deeply while applying.
Tranquil Roll-On is fantastic to grab if Stress Away just isn’t quite cutting it for your anxiousness. This roller is a blend of Lavender, Cedarwood, and Roman Chamomile. It is often used for sleep to calm the mind, but it can be incredibly helpful for those that need help settling their mind that is constantly turned on.
Motivation is a blend that is good for the times you have a list you must complete, but you are struggling with the feeling of action to complete it. This is a great one to toss in the diffuser or to put behind your ears. Breathe in deeply and do the things you have to do to feel accomplished.
Relaxation Massage Oil is a great wind down product for the end of a crazy day. This massage oil can help relieve, relax, and soothe. If you don’t have someone to give you a massage, you can do a self-massage. Take some of your Massage Oil and rub your hands and feet. Find the pressure points that feel the most tender and rub them out. The pressure points on these extremities act as a full-body massage.
Stress Away or Lavender Bath Bombs are both great options. If you need some serious recharge time, draw a hot bath, and put one of these in. The bath bomb is not only aromatically soothing, but the ingredients are ones to help make your body feel soft and silky when you are done.