We are asking a lot of our feet...
They willingly take us wherever we tell them to go and in the process encounter a lot of stress.
A reminder to take better care of them for us all!
I saw a 2014 survey that was taken where 8 out of 10 Americans have experienced a foot problems (https://www.apma.org/files/APMA2014TodaysPodiatristSurveyAllFindings.pdf)
One noted that they found that most people don’t care for their feet as much as other parts of their bodies….
We oilers are different.
We are learning a different way!
We know that the our feet have over 3000 pores ready and waiting for oils!
So how can we up our game and take better care of our feet?
If your feet are used daily (which they probably are!), give them a little TLC daily.
Daily equals consistency....
This could be using the Young Living LavaMint Softening Foot Scrub.
This scrub not only helps exfoliate (hello summer sandals), but hydrates.
It helps refresh and revive tired feet.
I have gotten into the habit of Animal Scents Ointment on my feet nightly.
How about you??
Soak your feet. A good Epsom Salt + Essential Oil Foot Soak can really help you tired feet while also supporting a detox of your body. That’s right! An Epsom Salt foot soak helps pull the toxins out. Win-win! Add your favorite oils to further your support. Peppermint, Panaway, Lavender, and Stress Away are a few of our favorites!
A great unwinding habit before bed.
Pull the stress out and sleep better too!
Don’t wear too tight of shoes.
Comfortable shoes are worth the health of your feet. A couple of summers ago, I had a big foot issue that meant only 1 pair of sandals worked for 6 months or so. I then discovered the meaning of comfort first over cute.
Try on the Legs-Up-On-The-Wall Yoga pose after a long day. Start with a few minutes and work your way up.
Take care of your feet. You’ve only got one pair! 😉
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Head Tension?
Head tension is an often complaint when it comes to needing solutions from your essential oil arsenal.
When your head is hurting, you need something that is going to give you relief quickly. Just like all of us are different, each of us have found a different 'go to' when things aren't feeling right.
A few options to begin with from your Premium Starter Kit:
-Peppermint. If you have sensitive skin, make sure you dilute your Peppermint with a carrier oil. If not, you can apply neat (right out of the bottle). Apply to your temples, behind your ears, and if needed to the base of your neck. You can also diffuse Peppermint in your home. A little is all you need as Peppermint is a very potent essential oil.
-Panaway. If Peppermint doesn’t seem to be matching up with your body’s chemistry and what you need, try Panaway. This blend has some incredible oils that can help relieve head tension. Apply topically the same way as Peppermint. Some find it very effective with a drop under the tongue.
-Frankincense Vitality. Apply a drop underneath your tongue. Do this daily for overall vitality, but it can also reduce the occurrence of head tension.
Other products that you may find helpful for head tension:
-Deep Relief Roll-On. This is another amazing blend of oils that you can apply in the same areas as Peppermint or Panaway.
-Valor. Sometimes our head tension is actually created from our body being out of alignment. Use Valor down your spine daily to help support the alignment of your body.
Our bodies are all compromised differently. It may take a few tries of different oils until you find the one that works for you!

Did you know?
Around 90% of the supplements you can buy are not fully bioavailable because they are synthetic.
While science will tell you that your body will readily absorb a synthetic version just as well as a natural form, they fail to tell you that your body won’t readily recognize a synthetic version.
When you consume a synthetic, your body does not know what to do with it.
You simply pee or poop it out and your $$$ goes right down the toilet.
Young Living is different for a couple of reasons.
First, they use whole food sources in fruits, veggies, herbs, and roots in each supplement.
Second, they infuse many of their supplements with essential oils.
Essential oils are extremely volatile and very small in their molecular structure, making them an excellent vehicle to increase the bioavailability of the supplements.
The essential oils themselves are different than any you can purchase on the market because they are the true unaltered botanicals, allowing for a true ‘entourage effect’ which means the whole of the oil is used, there is much greater synergy that occurs within our bodies.
The combination of whole-plant nutrition infused with unaltered essential oils give you dietary supplementation through Young Living which is second to none.
Bioavailability simply means a proportion of a nutrient that is digested/absorbed and metabolized in the body.
There is a HUGE difference between Young Living supplements and regular store-bought supplements. Young Living supplements have an 80% + absorption rate compared to conventional supplements, which only have a 30% absorption rate---That is a 50% increase you guys!!
Short story, less $ and more effective. YES! I'm in!
The difference in these supplements is in their bioavailability and their essential oil content. Dr. Gary Young was the first to formulate nutritional supplements with essential oils.
The difference in these supplements is in their bioavailability and their essential oil content. Dr. Gary Young was the first to formulate nutritional supplements with essential oils.
Essential oils infused into a supplement make the nutrients and vitamins more bioavailable in the body. This means the body can absorb them and use them as nutrients.
Are you wondering how it works? Essential oils help increase the absorption of other nutrients on a cellular level and they help remove waste from the cells, which helps detoxify them, in turn causing the cells to function at a higher level!
Are you wondering how it works? Essential oils help increase the absorption of other nutrients on a cellular level and they help remove waste from the cells, which helps detoxify them, in turn causing the cells to function at a higher level!
The oils draw in the nutrients to the cells. It’s just amazing….
So... the bottom line is that you should 100% be taking Young Living’s supplements over your store bought ones!
You can trust that your body will recognize and use every single bit of the goodness.
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