The great day protocol was created by Gary Young, and oh.... if you haven't made it a daily practice for yourself-- you are in for a life changing treat!
Have your Valor, Harmony, Joy, and White Angelica essential oil blends readily available. Keep these in a place where they will easily be seen so that you're able to practice daily.
Apply a few drops in the palm of your left hand, gently rub your palms together, and bring your oiled palms to your nose and inhale. Set your intention for the day, utilizing the grounding properties of this blend.
Next, put some Valor on the back of your neck and then place another drop on the inside of your wrists and hold your wrist together for a moment. As you hold the pulse points of your wrists together, again breathe in the oil blend and take a moment to be still while affirming your intentions for the day. What state of being would you like to cultivate? What do you want to accomplish today?
Place a drop of Harmony on your left palm, rub your palms together, inhaling the oil blend and place some Harmony on your solar plexus, just below your sternum, and above your belly button. As you inhale the aroma, consider speaking words of affirmations such as, "Give me eyes to see harmony in everything I do and see today." You may have a specific intention for harmonizing with your customers, your co-workers, family, friends, etc.
3) JOY
This blend is one of Young Living’s signature essential oils. Originally to be named "Love". Place a drop of Joy into your left palm, rub your hands together, and slowly inhale the scent. Then place your hands on your heart. The Bible reminds us, (Proverbs 4:23) Above all, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are. (TPT)
Putting this oil on our heart is a deliberate way to focus, connect, and position your heart.
We often refer to this oil as Psalm 91 in a bottle. This blend is known for its properties for it's properties of protection, like a bouncer for negative energy or disturbing thoughts. Place a drop of White Angelica in your left palm, rub your palms together and deeply inhale. Then gently brush your palms over the crown of your head, down your neck, shoulders, chest, torso, and all the way down your legs to your feet. Imagine this blend encasing your entire body, like a guardian shield. Again, revisit your intention for your day.
Start using the Great Day Protocol daily for just one week. Keep a journal of your feelings and accomplishments each day so that you can look back and see how you have changed throughout each of the days.