When you're new to using Young Living essential oils, start slow because these oils are far more potent and powerful than any other oils on the market!
We often think that more is better, but in this case, less is more.
Act like you have bottles of liquid gold and put away that heavy hand.
For example, if you read a diffuser recipe that calls for six drops of Peppermint oil, start with three until you know how oils work with your unique body.
In order to experience the mind expanding benefits of a essential oils, be sure to use them consistently. Come up with daily routines (yes, every single day!) for using your oils, and soon you'll see how much they support you. Trust us, you can't make up the results you will see, and consistency is key.
Let’s talk some terminology…
Remember, like all things new, there's a learning curve here. So be kind to your brain as it absorbs this new info. It's very much like learning a new language!
This means when you put the oil on your skin, it feels like it's hot and may give a burning or tingling sensation. These oils are not literally “hot” but their reaction feels hot. So how do you use hot oils? You dilute them!
Examples of hot oils: cinnamon bark, clove, thyme, peppermint, oregano, lemongrass, and thieves.
Keep out of the sun for 8 to 10 hours when using photosensitive oils on your sun-exposed skin, so you don't burn. OR, as we say it, put the oils where the sun doesn't shine if you want to use them during the day.
Think of these essential oils like vampires, ideally kept in the shade and best used on your skin at night. Apply them before bedtime and tomorrow you'll wake up refreshed and beautifully bright looking.
Examples of photosensitive oils: lemon, lime, grapefruit, orange, bergamot, tangerine, citrus fresh, stress away, peace and calming.
Here’s a way to remember this one: carrier oils will CARRY the essential oil in it, like a vehicle taking the celebrity for a ride. Carrier oils are typically found in your kitchen, and Young Living makes their own, too, called V-6. It is a wonderful blend of these carrier oils: fractionated coconut oil, sesame seed oil, grapeseed oil, sweet almond oil, wheat germ oil, sunflower oil, and olive oil.
When we make ointments and creams, we typically use hard cold press coconut oil, shea butter, or coconut butter to carry the essential oils.
Examples of carrier oils: olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, grapeseed oil, jojoba oil.
Because essential oils are highly concentrated, blending them with a carrier oil helps to both dilute the essential oil and disperse it onto and into the skin. This is super important for use with babies and little ones!
Newborn – 6 months: 1 drop essential oil to 1 Tbs carrier oil
6 months – 2 years: Dilute 1:4
2 years – 6 years: Dilute 1:3
6 years – 12 years: Dilute 1:2
Young Living has a full line of ‘pre-diluted’ oils made for children. They are in the KIDSCENTS line.
You will soon discover making rollerballs of your favorite combinations make them portable and ready whether you have a bug bite, head tension, tummy aches, stress, etc.
This is a new way of life, and you will soon wonder how you ever did life without these oils.
That is exactly how we feel.
What if there was a easy button to start simplifying your life?

The third and final way we use these little miracle bottles is by taking them internally.
Many oils are labeled safe for internal use, but just like not all plants can safely be to eat and not all essential oils can be used internally.
Internal use can be a heated topic, mostly because there is a wide range of oil quality available on the market, and many are rightly labeled “not for internal use”.
What people don't realize that they already consume essential oils when they eat many foods. For example, lots of bakeries use food--grade essential oils to punch up the flavor of baked goods.
Ever enjoy a lemon bar? You probably ate essential oils.
Our Ningxia Red is power packed with Orange, Lemon, Tangerine, and Yuzu essential oils.
Because essential oils are way more potent than the whole plant material, only a tiny amount is needed when taken internally to get the full flavor and/ or health benefits. When safety guidelines are followed, essential oils can be used internally for incredible benefits.
Only ingest Young Living essential oils purchased directly from the temperature- controlled warehouse at youngliving.com. Nobody can vouch for what's really in those bottles from Amazon, eBay, or anywhere else you picked them up.
There are two ways to ingest oils
The first method of internal use is through food and water. Remember to always use glass, stainless steel, or ceramic when adding oils to the drink of choice. Never use plastic or Styrofoam, since those can leech chemicals. These powerful drops are programmed made by God to purify... Put a citrus oil on a Styrofoam cup and watch them in action!
If you love to cook, you're gonna be excited at the fun recipes you can create! Experiment with adding oils to your smoothies, your fruit and veggie salads, your baked goods, your homemade salad dressings, and so much more! The essential oils have no shelf life, like your herbs, and the potency and taste will amaze you. Such a savings to your pantry!
The second method of internal use is by ingesting capsules. Yes, you read that right, you can make your own capsules, and it's not as daunting as it might sound! Using capsules allows you to not only bypass any unpleasant tastes, but it also enables the oils to reach that correct targeted area of the body before dissolving to allow for greater absorption.
We use these for slimming, seasonal challenges, bodily discomfort, boosting immunity, and more! If you would like to learn more about what we call ‘stomp on it,’ reach out to me for my text class walking you through it.
Here's how to make a capsule
Purchase the vegetable capsules from Young Living (or grab some at your local health food store), open one up and add your essential oils into the longer part, then fill the rest with some carrier oil to help it digest better in your tummy, Close it up until it ‘clicks’ and take it with a glass of water.
Easy, peasy!
When taking oils internally, have a small snack that is rich in healthy fats (nuts, avocados). This will help you avoid burping up the oils. This is especially important when taking Inner Defense or "hot" oils. Adding a carrier oil to the capsule, or putting the oil in the freezer will also make a difference! (watch out because your tummy will feel cold after swallowing them!)
Remember the center hole on the top of your bottle is NOT where the oil comes out. That is an patented airhole. The oil comes out the little hole on the side. So, watch your aim or lean the bottle on the top of the capsule. The more you do it, the easier it gets.
If you can eat a lemon...
There is nothing added to our oils! Smells exactly like cutting open an orange, or lemon, or... because that is what it is! The power of the nutrients in the rind.
In order to comply with FDA regulations in the US, Young Living has specifically labeled oils that can be ingested as dietary supplements as Vitality oils. These white label bottles contain the SAME OIL inside as their color counterpart labeled for aromatic and topical use.
What if there was a easy button to start simplifying your life?

Mother’s Day is a painful time for many.
It brings up unmet expectations, painful
memories, loss.
Not a beaming Mother
holding a bouquet of flowers with spotless children standing around with a grin.
Sound familiar? I spent nine long years waiting to be a Mom.
On one particular Mothers Day, the minister I worked for chose me to stand in front of the church and hand the flowers to each Mother as they filed by me beaming.
There I was, childless.
I held back the tears as long as I could as I carefully gave out several hundred bundles of flowers.
Look around.
are people all around you who are fighting internal battles.
If I had known back then what I know now,
life would be so different!
I smile when I see how far I have come from the tearful Sunday morning.
There have been a lot of storms and seasons since then.
Now, I have tools that work.
Now, I daily share those tools with hurting people all around us. I am so grateful!!
I have watched these powerful oils bring a balm of healing to hurts,
memories, and wounds.
They work.
These amazing oils work on the part of our
brain that stores and files all your emotional experiences.
Did you know that part of your brain responds
only to smell?
When you smell the cologne/perfume of someone in your past it will immediately bring you to that memory.
Sometimes those memories are connected to pain.
Sometimes they are connected to a warm memory that is revisited when you smell fresh baked
bread or chocolate chip cookies because you enjoyed the food with an enjoyable
Before you were born, God inserted healing in plants, shrubs, trees, herbs, resins for you. Knowing full well that you would be needing them.
This season is unlike any other you have walked through.
These tools are here for you.
Now is the perfect time to reach out to those around you.
Does your Mother, or a woman who believed in you, have a Young Living Premium Starter Kit?
Why not gift her the healing power of the flowers that will not wilt in a few days.
(we will even teach her how to use them for you!)
Think of the women around you that are overwhelmed.
This could be the most timely gift you have ever given.
What if there was a easy button to start simplifying your life?

Essential oils can either be applied to the skin neat (without dilution) or diluted with a carrier oil. Always be sure to choose a good quality, unrefined, organic carrier oil. Just like with essential oils, carrier oil quality is so important since you're applying these on to your skin-- your largest organ. Young Living has a wonderful carrier oil blend called V6.
A carrier oil is fatty oil, that has large molecules so it slows absorption of the essential oil.
A carrier oil doesn’t make them “less strong,”
anymore than wearing sunglasses makes solar rays less bright.
It filters the intensity and slows the absorption of the oil into the skin.
The tiny essential oil molecule has to ping pong between large and small to get in.
If your skin turns red, don’t panic. Just use a carrier like olive or coconut oil. I never know how my body will respond from one day to the next. It doesn’t mean the oil is making you sick, it just means it’s doing what it was designed to do—
go after stuff!
When we apply oils topically to our skin, they are quickly absorbed by our pores and hair follicles and move into the bloodstream. From there, the party starts, and they’re dispersed throughout the various systems of our bodies to support our overall health.
For example, let's say you're cooking dinner and suddenly you get too close to a hot pan. You grab your lavender and apply it “neat” straight from the bottle to help soothe your skin. Other oils may need to be diluted first. Babies, young children, and elderly have more delicate skin and need to be diluted more. The same holds true for essential oil newbies. This is a new world for you in comparison to the chemicals you had been using, and your body is waking up with every drop!
Many people like to create roller bottles with their favorite recipes and add carrier oil so they are portable and ready to go whenever you are! (trust me, you will soon go no where without a tool from your toolbox at hand)
Ready to roll
Some of you are DIYers, and others wish that they would be the recipient of someone’s DIY/ craft night (that’s me)
Either way, find what works for you. Young Living has several beautiful ready to roll roll-ons waiting for you. Valor, Breathe Again, StressAway, Thieves, Tranquil, Deep Relief, and Rutavala.
Where do I put them?
Common areas to apply essential oils are the inside of your wrists, the back of your neck, knee pits 😊 or on your temples. These are your pulse points where oils can absorb quickly and work the fastest.
Another great place to apply oils is the bottom of your feet -- which have many nerve endings and over 4000 of the largest pores on your body.
Applying oils here allows your body to easily disperse the oil throughout your system to wherever it is needed. This is especially helpful when using oils on kids and babies.
Other times, for physical issues, I tell people to put the oil as close as the location. For example, apply DiGize in a clockwise motion on your tummy if it needs help settling down. Apply PanAway to sore muscles. Tea Tree can be dabbed undilute on to a pimple that just popped up overnight, when your body decided you're 14 again.
Start with a carrier, and you will see how your body responds. You are going to love the results! When you discover the results of peppermint on your knee pits on a hot sticky summer day, your view will never be the same.
What if there was a easy button to start simplifying your life?

“What's that beautiful smell?” is something you'll soon get used to hearing because anytime someone comes over and you have your diffuser going, they're bound to smell the beauty.
We all want our house to smell great, but what if on top of smelling great, we could feel great too?
It's time to say bye bye bye to those toxic candles, plug-ins, scented room sprays, and chemical-filled incense sticks, and instead diffuse essential oils.
Think of your diffuser as a wellness delivery system to dispute those tutti- frutti, lovey- dovey, happy scents into the air and throughout your home.
Aromatic use of essential oils is a simple, convenient, and powerful way to use oils anytime, anywhere.
You need not use a diffuser-- just open your bottle and inhale to enjoy and experience the benefits of essential oils immediately.
You can even wear your oils in diffuser jewelry, so you can be your own diffuser, or apply them to your hair.
Did you know that our sense of smell
is 10,000 times stronger than any of our other senses?
Other senses like touch and taste must travel through our body by neurons in our spinal cord before reaching the brain, but our olfactory response is immediate.
Basically, our noses go straight to our brains, which is why breathing in oils can be so effective, and is how these liquid plants can affect our emotions.
Have you ever gotten a flood of emotions when you walked by someone at Walmart who was wearing your grandma’s perfume? The memories of your grandma are hooked to that scent. Think back to your high school science class, and you'll remember that your limbic system controls your emotions, your mood, and your memory.
This is why if you're trying to impact anything related to the brain (memory, mood, focus, sleep, stress) you'll want to use your oils aromatically. We never underestimate the power of aromatic use of essential oils, since the oils we inhale can directly affect what our brain does to our entire body. And that, is why it's always a good idea to “diffuse the situation”
Just like oils, not all diffusers are created equal.
When selecting a diffuser, you'll want to select one with high quality, high-density grade of BPA free plastic. Otherwise, your oils can leach petrochemicals from your diffuser reservoir into the air, canceling out all the benefits of the perfectly created oils you're diffusing.
How crazy would that be?
Young Living diffusers are made of polypropylene, which is the same type of polymer used in medical devices, and they've been thoroughly tested in our labs to ensure that nothing breaks down when in contact with the essential oils.
Remember to only diffuse essential oils in a cold- air diffuser, since heating them can alter their chemistry and reduce the benefits.
We love Young Living diffusers not only because they're beautiful, but also because their runtimes and light settings can be customized, they function as humidifiers, and they come with an excellent warranty.
smelling not required
Because the chemical components of essential oils produce a direct response on the body, nature takes the wheel so that even people without a sense of smell can still enjoy all the benefits of essential oils!
Do you love candles? I did too...
Click here to find out why I ditched them and found a cheaper, more effective option!

Then there's this organic label thing.
Here's the deal, the USDA is a government agency for the dairy, meat, and agricultural industry. This means there are NO regulations surrounding the specific harvesting, distilling, or testing of essential oils.
So the next time you want to ask “is this oil organic?” what you should really ask is, “How was the oil produced from start to finish?” We like to say that Young Living goes BEYOND organic because they follow all organic practices, and more.
How's that?
OK put those nerdy specs back on, here goes Beyond Organics 101…
The top five ways Young Living goes beyond organic
1. In order to be USDA Certified Organic, the USDA requires that “land must have no prohibited substances applied to it for at least three years before the harvest of an organic crop.”
Young Living goes “beyond organic” and also does a full chemical analysis of the soil to test for any chemicals present in the ppb (part per billion) level that may have been there from far more than 3 years ago. Many of our Young Living farms started on Virgin soil to ensure absolute purity.
2. USDA certified farms allow for approved synthetic chemicals for crop pests, weeds, and disease control, whereas Young Living simply does not allow ANY. Young Living controls pest with essential oils and they do all the weeding naturally -- by hand, by machine, by planting specific plants in between crop lines, and on some farms even by using a particular breed of sheep that eats the weeds and not the crops!
Did you know we spend $12,000 thousand dollars per acre to hand-weed Lavender,
instead of the industry standard of $60 dollars per acre for the same plant?
The industry standard is $60 dollars per acre
because spraying pesticides is much cheaper than hand weeding.
That also means those pesticides are inside their oils.
3. The USDA requires continual testing of the soil on farms, whereas Young Living does continual testing of the soil AND of the water and the air on our farms. In order to avoid additional environmental pollutants each farm is located far away from major cities.
4. Every Young Living farm has an organic composting yard that plant matter from the distillation goes into, so there's no waste. 5 million tons of compost is used annually on our fields. We also have organic worm farms on each farm where liquid worm castings and composed plant materials are used as fertilizer. Microbes and enzymes are injected to further enrich the soil. Spring or aquifer water is used on the plants, never any municipal water.
5. Young Living insists that 100% of our products are organic. When something in US is USDA certified organic, the content must be 95% certified organic, shocking but true.
Young Living cares about things that are not even on the radar of the USDA,
like plant energy and frequency.
This means that when Young Living farmers (or those on a tour) are out of the fields, everyone's mood must be positive.
No negative talk or swearing is allowed near the plants, and positive upbeat atmosphere must be given to the crops so that they flourish and grow the way nature intended. We promise the USDA doesn't have any rule anywhere that states no swearing on an organic farm!
Young Living is a global community company with farms across every continent except Antarctica.
Because each country has different organic certifications there is no “universal global organic certification,” and because our crops are grown all over the world, we cannot label our bottles as organic. However, our standards truly are beyond the organic certification of every country in the world.
What if there was a easy button to start simplifying your life?

A truly pure essential oil, with nothing added or taken away, just as nature intended, is the safest and most beneficial to our bodies.
Low-quality essential oils can be made from plants that were sprayed with pesticides or treated with chemical solvents to extract more oil from the plant.
Many brands sell nature-identical oils that can be chemically identical but they are synthetically created or adulterated in some way.
This is why a $3 lavender oil from the drugstore
didn't give you the best night of sleep ever.
Essential oils are classified under the term “fragrance” by the FDA. This means that a bottle that says “100% pure essential oil” on the outside could legally contain 0% plant matter on the inside...Buyer beware!
Some labels even claim that the oil inside is “certified pure.”
Guess what!? There is no such thing!
Clever marketers depend on the consumer’s ignorance. If a certification is trademarked (™), this just means that company just paid money to use that word; there is no actual certification for purity.
You have been bamboozled!
While on the topic of labels, have you ever noticed how our bottles do not have an expiration date?
Wonder why?
It's because truly pure essential oil will never expire. When stored correctly, away from heat and sunlight, essential oils can last forever. Pure essential oils like Myrrh have been found in ancient Egyptian tombs an have been tested and found to be potent and fresh.
Young Living has spent over 25 years building the most sophisticated in-house labs in the world for young testing essential oils. Devices in these labs can detect heavy metals down to the part per billion (ppb) level.
That's like singling out one drop of water in an Olympic sized swimming pool!
Our labs go far beyond the essential oil industry standard and perform 20 different quality assessment tests, in triplicate, on each batch of oil to ensure it is pure an unadulterated, free of heavy metals, pesticides, and any harmful full ingredients like mold or bacteria.
If the oil passes those 60 tests, it goes up to be bottled or blended.
Then it's tested again, in triplicate.
Yes, that's 3 times twice!
That means that 120 tests are done on every batch of oil, and it takes 20 people over a week to test each batch!
If at any point, the batch fails any test, it is used for research purposes to find out why it failed, and then it is tossed. Or, it gets used on our farm for cleaning purposes.
It never gets resold to recoup lost money.
No other company in the world goes to such great lengths to ensure the quality of their oils.
Young Living also works with 7 other external third-party labs who do additional forensic testing, not just labs of their own like many other companies. We use some of the same labs that the FBI uses, so that we can say we are the world leader in essential oils, we're dead serious.
The purity of every drop matters. This is Young Living.
Every detail matters... it is your health that is affected.
What if there was a easy button to start simplifying your life?

Young Living's distillation is always a ONE time process; let me explain what that means with a basic analogy.
Imagine you go to a coffee shop and you're the first customer of the day. You order a cup of coffee, and you watch them make your first, fresh, one-time “distilled” coffee. (coffee isn't exactly actually distilled like essential oils, but bear with me for this example)
You take a sip, and it's so delicious, potent, and fragrant.
The second customer orders a coffee, and you watch the barista add more water to the machine and brew their coffee.
They got a “two-time distilled” coffee.
Customer #3 comes in, and also wants some coffee, so more water is added.
See where we're going with this?
You could argue that customer #3 got a cup of 100% pure coffee, Right?
It’s a similar idea with essential oils.
Sadly, most essential oils companies are selling second, third, fourth, and even fifth “distilled oils”.
This allows for cheap mass production. The the more you distill certain plants the sweeter they can smell.
Unfortunately, most companies place value on fragrance over benefit because they know customers will be attracted to the smell.
If an oil is improperly distilled,
you'll get little to no benefit at all.
Young Living only produces first-distillation oils that are distilled for a precise amount of time at low heat and low steam pressure to retain the therapeutic properties.
The oils only touch food grade, non-reactive stainless steel or glass during the distillation process, so there are never any plastics or other metals like aluminum that could leach into the oil.
Ready for a distillation example?
Blue Cypress is a beautiful tree with 280 known chemical constituents.
If you want the full therapeutic benefit of Blue Cypress Oil, it must have all 280 constituents present.
In order to achieve this, the tree must be grown and harvested correctly, and then must be distilled for exactly 24 hours at a very precise temperature
and pressure within the sap, the hardwood, and the bark altogether.
Otherwise, the oil will be clear and not the beaming blue color.
The reason it's distilled for 24 hours is that during the last 20 minutes of distillation, 18 of the vital active nutrients get released from the branches.
If Cypress is distilled for any other amount of time, its therapeutic properties will be missing from the oil.
Distill it for 20 hours, you only get 20 properties. Distill it for 26 hours, an you get NONE of these properties!
Get this: most Cypress oil on the market was distilled for just 3.5 hours.
If you are looking for results, it is a big deal.
The Young Living difference.
Ready for more?
We start with what we call an ‘oil map’.
It helps you see the benefits available for you right where you are.