Regardless of whether you need a revival of your essential oil
stash in order to clean out space in your cabinets or dig back
in for your health & wellness goals, I want you to know you’re
not alone.
If you’ve got a stash of oils you aren’t using daily, I want to encourage you! You can find tons of uses for your oils that can help you feel great, save money, and get a lot of bang out of the buck you’ve already spent on those little bottles of magic.
When it comes to your Oil Stash Revival, do you remember why you said YES to Young Living in the first place? For me, I started with one thing in mind, but the idea for how I wanted to use essential oils shifted & grew over time.
If you ever have questions on specific ways to use your oils, please reach out. I am always here to help and serve!
So let’s start with a little Oil 101 refresher. Save this graphic and I know it will come in handy in the future. It shows you how to use your oils topically, aromatically, or internally. It also highlights a few extra tips about EOs that make them just so dang amazing.
Friendly challenge for the night:
Diffuse 3 drops each of either Peace & Calming + Frankincense or Cedarwood + Lavender while you sleep. Also, put 4 drops of Valor & PanAway on the bottoms of both feet before bed & rub them in.
Where you start with your Oil Stash Revival depends on where you want to focus your wellness.If you’re looking for emotional support, use oils with calming, grounding, or comforting properties. If you need clean home & body products, reach for your oils with antimicrobial, cleansing, and purifying properties.
Young Living essential oils are absorbed on a cellular level because they were made to complement and support our bodies. They can cleanse, repair, and regenerate and can help detoxify our bodies while providing unique support to any body system.
You can apply oils topically or diffuse them around the clock to get emotional benefits and to shift the energy in your space.
A practical way to make use of your oil stash is by making DIY recipes such as: room sprays, linen sprays, perfumes/roll-on blends, balms or body butters. Because you likely use these products in your daily life already, making a simple switch to recipes using your essential oils saves you money & is a healthier alternative.
Here is a link for a glass bottle set for all the DIYs you could do:
Grab some washi tape and a sharpie or search “amber bottle labels” on Amazon and see some great options for labels. Then go to Pinterest and search for recipes with the oils in your stash. Voila!
There are also a few simple ways to incorporate oils into your daily routine. Save this picture if you’d like—it has lots of great ideas for using your essential oils throughout the day. Starting your diffuser first thing in the morning is the perfect way to start your day.
One of the best tips I could share with you is to set out your oils where you’ll see them. In sight, in mind! Setting them on my bathroom counter, kitchen counter, or work desk are three of my favorite places to store them visibly.
I find that each day our body, emotions, mind, and spirit all have new needs. Essential oils are invigorating and energizing and can be the perfect solution for an afternoon pick-me-up or energy boost. Plus, they are great for targeting certain areas of your body to support them holistically.
During the afternoon and evening, you may find yourself seeking essential oils for unloading stress or increasing mental clarity—there are so many options for this! Also, applying oils in the evening is super beneficial since your body goes into repair and reset mode while you sleep.
Young Living essential oils are very potent & concentrated. If you plan to make wellness or perfume rollers to apply topically, diffuser bombs to use for home fragrance, or recipes for holistic support, you can dilute your essential oils with carrier oil. This will increase their longevity and allow for more uses for you and your home. (And it's a money saver!! 🙌)
Search online for ‘organic grapeseed oil’ for a great carrier oil. Witch hazel & epsom salts are two other inexpensive and versatile products to have on hand that will help you make many different DIYs for home & body with your essential oil stash.
And if you need a little refresher on essential oil safety, a handy saying is, “When in doubt, dilute!” This means that it’s always OK to dilute and is always recommended when you are using a new-to-you essential oil. Young Living oils are completely pure and are never adulterated with chemical fillers. However, some of them are “hot” oils or have constituents that may irritate the most sensitive skin.
The bottoms of your feet are always a great place to start when using an essential oil. The skin is thick and tough but has large pores where the oils can easily absorb. And nerve endings galore! So awesome that you can support your entire body through oil application on your feet!
If you are the type who loves to put together handmade gifts & little “just because” type things for friends & family, I have a great recipe card with three of the top gifts you can make with your essential oil stash. It’s a great way to use your oils and give gifts that don’t break the bank! Of course, it’s always super thoughtful to give something handmade for any occasion =)
Using EOs for gift-giving can save money from buying retail and I feel great knowing I’m giving something that is healthy and soothing to the recipient. There are endless gifting options for essential oils! Think DIY bath bombs, sugar scrubs, body butter, lip balms, diffuser bombs, perfume roll-ons, etc.
And if DIY recipes aren’t something you love love love, you can always use an unopened essential oil and pair it with a small gift. Here are ideas of some fun & thoughtful gifts I’ve seen:
- Thieves or Stress Away + a small diffuser
- Lemon Vitality + a stainless water bottle
I hope some of these ideas were helpful to you! Did something I share help get your wheels spinning or encourage you with your oils at all?! Please reach out to me if you have questions or need help getting into a routine with your oils. I’d love to cheer you on and hear how it goes!