One of the best things to do when you grab your YL Starter Kit is to start using ALL of your new essential oils in a variety of ways. That may sound obvious to some, but it's often easy to find one or two that you love the smell of and not worry about finding uses for the others right away!
The Top 5 Ways to use your oils and start to incorporate them into a new routine is to
diffuse your oils morning, noon, and night,
to use your Vitality essential oils for wellness & targeted support,
to apply balancing oils to your feet at night,
to add oils into your skin care routine
& to cleanse your home with essential oils.
When it comes to using essential oils for wellness, diffusing oils such as Frankincense and Raven or consuming Vitality oils, like Peppermint, Thieves or Lemon Vitality is a great place to start!